I’m Still Here…

WED., DEC. 29, 1993, 1:19 PM

It has been more than a week since you sat down to listen and to write… your most important spiritual activity. You did go on this Christmas trip prepared to have Teachings, but the other calls on your time seemed more pressing. You felt the need, but didn’t act on that feeling. You can imagine how frustrating it would have been, for both of Us, if I had called you while you had children at home and professional responsibilities that were truly pressing. For everything there is a season… surely.

You participated in the life of your oldest son, his family, and their church. It was good that you participated in the choir, lending some strength to the tenor portion of that short but good anthem. You like their style of communion, but otherwise their service is not truly appealing. Again you are reminded of the differences in worship style preferences and your lack of complete comfort as you experience the extremes. The preferences of your older sons suggests that it isn’t entirely a matter of childhood experiences. You have found your best “style,” not greatly different from that of your “upbringing,” and you shall be back in it soon.

Your gift of money and labor to your son, both you and Lenore, was pleasing to Me. That shed was a project he wanted to complete, and your help was necessary. You provide it, and he was pleased as he should have been. Your skills are minimal for building, but they were sufficient for that task. You don’t like to do what you don’t do well, but you mostly put that premise aside for a greater good. That was an act of “random kindness”… even if it wasn’t particularly random.

You know what your task is for these next days. You have put it off repeatedly, for acceptable reasons, but now you must write. You are considering more recreational ways of spending this evening, but I must urge you to give it to Our Letter. Your promise to yourself and to Me is that it will be written before the end of the year. Your material is again ample, but there will be many choices to make. You have the main theme in mind. Don’t put the writing off any longer. You elected to come to Me for a Teaching rather than start directly on the Ruminations, and that was as it should have been… giving Me the opportunity to help you set proper priorities. Sorry… this isn’t vacation time yet.

I want you to give some attention to the fact of election in this Letter, and, of course, My servant David is one of the best Biblical examples. But emphasize that you, too, have been called, for a much less heroic and publicized task… and there are many others with calls even simpler. Election is Mine to bestow. Sometimes there are reasons, sometimes not… or least not obvious to humans in the earth.

You use the term, professionally, in relation to obtaining officers for organizations. You decided, wisely, not to seek election to an office or board in these groups, and not to seek selection as a chairman, dean, or other administrative position. You were not so elected, and yet you have felt that you have been a valuable part of these associations. Non-election has certain advantages.

You have been called to be faithful to what I want you to do. David was called to be a warrior/king. Some of that calling was done well, with some I was not well pleased. But he was faithful, and he did his best. That’s all I ask of you. Remember that.

WED., DEC. 29, 1993, 1:19 PM

It has been more than a week since you sat down to listen and to write… your most important spiritual activity. You did go on this Christmas trip prepared to have Teachings, but the other calls on your time seemed more pressing. You felt the need, but didn’t act on that feeling. You can imagine how frustrating it would have been, for both of Us, if I had called you while you had children at home and professional responsibilities that were truly pressing. For everything there is a season… surely . . .

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