
MON., OCT. 18, 1982, 5:47 AM

This is not a new experience, o son… this feeling of impatience when no proper theme is presented to you. Yet because it is not a new experience you feel that there probably is another teaching on this. Let this be an impetus to review the titles. Let this be your task for tomorrow morning, the last day of this consecutive commitment. That shall be a proper finale for this sojourn.

You certainly are not the first human to feel impatience toward Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. I have to admit that when I suggested the concept of time by the phenomena of day and night, the seasons, and birth, life, and death I, in effect, created impatience. For most impatience results from something not occurring within a certain designated or expected time. Your impatience grows when you realize that the writing takes about an hour and that sitting and waiting “overlong” for a title prolongs the meditation beyond what you have “budgeted”. Impatience on a morning like this also is increased because you have had other mornings in this period, particularly when you were in Arizona, in which the whole ritual was completed, with satisfaction, in less than an hour.

Yes, you are in a culture that prizes time, and has an abundance of clocks and watches. And… you are an individual in this culture with a sharp sense and consciousness of time. This allows certain matters to be accomplished “on time” and probably more to be completed than would be the case without this strong sense. In addition, this allows you the “luxury”, now and again, of just frittering away a day on untimed puttering. Oh, your time sense is never really lost, but at least it is relaxed.

Impatience is neither a virtue or a vice. You know that I seem to show impatience with you. Now ultimately I have much patience, and you know this, certainly, but on particular days I seem truly impatient when you have not accomplished that which I have asked of you. My apparent show of impatience usually helps to get the task completed, but is this a proper behavior for Me? Or should I exert My right to be the most impatient, for your priorities should be in Me?

Yesterday in your class, though the participants were fewer than usual, the discussion of A Time to Embrace… was a lively one, centering on this concept of “a time to… and a time for its opposite”. Yes, that applies in this matter, also. There is a time for patience, even when time is being gobbled and seemingly wasted. There certainly is a time to be patient with Me in this meditation. Consider that some mornings I may want you to just meditate in a more “standard” way, clearing your mind of its thoughts and its opposition to My takeover… and the writing may be less than the expected three pages. That won’t happen often, but do not deny it as a possibility when the theme is slow in appearing.

Then, in patience you may just wait and then finally write fully, taking longer than an hour. This usually is rewarded, though you seldom realize it, by your accomplishing more of other matters in a shorter time. I shall say again… time spent with Me is never wasted.
There is then a time for impatience, even with Me. When impatience represents a valuing of this gift of life and a desire to use it productively, then I respect such a feeling. Just know that if you are too impatient with some people they stop producing completely… and what they do may be valuable. I realize that if I am too impatient with you and give you more to do than you feel is possible you may withdraw, even realizing what you may be missing. This is less likely as Our years together accumulate, but of this I am still aware.

Patience can be genuine, or it can be a behavior that really represents powerlessness or lack of concern. Impatience can be selfish and hurtful… or it truly can represent a concern for a competed task and a desire for growth.

As in many matters, feel the rhythm. Too much impatience should stimulate patience… and patience too long necessitates impatience. Be flexible.

So let it be.
6:53 AM