Impatience… Not Yet!

MON., DEC. 18, 2000, 12:55 PM

The healing process procedes slowly, and you are becoming impatient. You finally have made the trip upstairs, a small “landmark” on the recovery road. You have some worries about bills to be paid and responsibilities met, even tardy. It is the week before Christmas, and you don’t have gifts for Lenore and the family members you usually “shop for.” It clearly is not a normal, expected Christmas season… but, in “exchange” it may be a “memorable” one.

While it is important to give your feet their best chance to heal (and they clearly are not healed yet!) I am pushing your spirit to push you (a double shove!) to get back into the action. You aren’t yet able to get out and do the feeding, but you can assess the feed on hand and anticipate what will next be needed to insure no “breakdown” for these animals of yours. Lenore has plenty to worry about, plan for, and do, so, slowly but surely you must resume your part of the “love partnership.” You have less and less desire to be a pampered patient, so don’t prolong this say I.

Now I do realize that as you give up being a “patient” this will bring on some “impatience.” (These words have interesting meanings when applied to you and your situation, now don’t they!?) You will not succeed in all that you try to regain and do, and this will encourage impatience. I’ll just say that you’ll have to balance these as you’re experiencing them. Impatience will be frustrating, so “fall back on” patience… BUT… too much patience will slow the healing process. Balance… Rhythm… old, but good, concepts for the “good life.” ( 1:22 / 1:26 )

This will be an unusual Christmas for you, but accept it as such, and spend a good portion of this week creating some “written gifts for Lenore and all of these others who are helping you through this “adventure.” Don’t worry about whether these “gifts” will be accepted in the spirit in which they are given. Some will be. Some will not. Just do your part… well!… in the interchange… an expression of your spirit. And then let Me and the spirits in family members “take over.”

The money gifts to your sons and daughters are about right, as you now propose them. I agree that your concerns for Lenore’s well-being in the future should be paramount. I didn’t expect that you would squander this inheritance in “riotous living,” but you do need to be giving some of it away, in appreciation for blessings of life you have enjoyed. I have recommended against large medical bills to prolong this life, and you seem to be comfortable with this. It is still a surprise (well, relative) when good servants of Mine spend excessive resources for a “bit more time,” with medical procedures. But I recognize the “power” of your culture, so I do forgive… BUT you hear Me now. ( 1:45 / 1:52 )

Remember that I, as Jesus, gave up a rather young life… a good one… for a greater good for many (including you). Sacrifice is fine spiritual behavior, along with concern for others rather than self. You’ll have to work out and decide on “details,” but just consider, strongly, My Example, which also is My Advice.

You should recover fairly well from this “foot frolic,” but just be aware of the interactions among other weaknesses… and hear My call to live life fully and joyfully, despite the “life shorteners” that are yours to “deal with.”

You are now somewhat impatient with the healing process, but I ask you to accept that this can be an important time for your spirit. I have reminded you often that you have had, by human standards, and from My “expert” observation, quite a “problem-free” life. In this, your spirit has grown and developed, but is now being “tested,” out of which can, and should, come more growth. But such a challenge can also be “too much,” with loss of spiritual power.

MON., DEC. 18, 2000, 12:55 PM

The healing process procedes slowly, and you are becoming impatient. You finally have made the trip upstairs, a small “landmark” on the recovery road. You have some worries about bills to be paid and responsibilities met, even tardy. It is the week before Christmas, and you don’t have gifts for Lenore and the family members you usually “shop for.” It clearly is not a normal, expected Christmas season… but, in “exchange” it may be a “memorable” one.

While it is important to give your feet their best chance to . . .

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