Imperfections In A Perfect World

SAT., AUG. 27, 1994, 6:52 AM

This is a perfect world, by definition. I created it, and I am in charge of it. This makes it perfect, now doesn’t it? Yet there are obvious imperfections, so how can these be explained? How about… some imperfections are necessary for perfection to be complete.

One obvious imperfection, seemingly, is death. Death is the end of an earth life, and shouldn’t that life have continued on? But I say that death is absolutely necessary in a perfect world. Even premature deaths (of children, youth, and middle aged adults) are part of what I see as a perfect picture. You see, I can envision quite clearly what this world would be like if there were no death… or death only after many years of life. What I see would be a decidedly imperfect world, much worse than this one in which you now reside.

Governments are imperfect, but I somehow keep the “mx” just right for My purposes. Struggles arise because of government, and yet governments prevent and solve certain human problems. I have told you that My favorite form of government is a benevolent, wise king, but such individuals are too scarce to be practical. Couldn’t I create more? Yes, but if I did that My actions would be imperfect in the creation as I wish it to be.

You sometimes speak of your foot problem as an imperfection, and so it is. It doesn’t function as it is supposed to, and this is bothersome and uncomfortable. See it as a test of your spirit, in principle not unlike the testing of Job. You are a servant of Mine, who is righteous because I have taken your sin upon Myself. And then I allow this imperfection to arise and persist. Yet life for you, overall, is as good as it has ever been. Your body may conquer this, by regeneration, which would constitute another form of perfection.

Your sex life is imperfect, certainly, and this is another form of test. It also may regenerate, but it will require real effort from both you and Lenore. Your love relationship is a perfect one… one that I’ve encouraged. Yet it could be better if sexual function is restored.

You have had the privilege of living now more than 68 years, just short of 3 score and 10. It also is your privilege to be still working productively, in the profession perfect for you. You saw an old colleague yesterday who is older than you are, less perfect in body, and unable to continue working, as you are. She doesn’t consider this as perfect as your situation, but, finally, she has her place in a perfect overall picture.

Does this mean that you shouldn’t choose to do certain things and to act accordingly? Not at all. Human actions are part of a perfect world. I control actions and results only enough to maintain the perfection I desire. Mostly human actions balance each other in ways I like. I certainly have not given up on this unique place for spiritual growth.

SAT., AUG. 27, 1994, 6:52 AM

This is a perfect world, by definition. I created it, and I am in charge of it. This makes it perfect, now doesn’t it? Yet there are obvious imperfections, so how can these be explained? How about… some imperfections are necessary for perfection to be complete.

One obvious imperfection, seemingly, is death. Death is the end of an earth life, and shouldn’t that life have continued on? But I say that death is absolutely necessary in a perfect world. Even premature deaths (of children, youth, and middle aged adults . . .

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