… In A Fine Place

SAT., JULY 20, 1996, 7:03 AM

Back in the most familiar of places, but already missing out on a responsibility, you now must be reconnected with the realities of regular, on-going life. Not that the life you led out in Hawaii and that you “picked up” with Lenore weren’t and aren’t real… you just are reminded that life, for you, is one of making choices. You did, yesterday, but without all of the necessary information. You’ll do better when you really are back and “connected”.

Already invitations are coming for responsibilities at the church in the education program. Assess these carefully. You don’t want to withdraw from all activity, but you must choose with caution in this last year of full-time educating. You want it to be a good year, with some balance of relaxation. Put another way, you don’t want this upcoming year to be one of frustration over what you must do, partly from choices made. After this year you can reorient more completely. This is a transition year, but you want it to be positively memorable.

There is much to do here on this place… that you can see, obviously. It has much natural beauty, but there is a bit too much messiness to it, here as you return. You still want a sustainable balance in setting the rhythm for the remainder of the summer. This involves a balance among Lenore, tasks here, university responsibilities, letters to write, reading, and quiet, contemplative time. As you envision all of these “balls in the air” (plus a few others) it could be depressing. Instead I want you to feel exhilarated because of the opportunities that are yours in this upcoming month.

You have experienced a nostalgic and yet theoretical comparison of ways your life could have been lived. While it is good to conclude that the choice of staying on in Hawaii (which would mean that you now most probably would be retired) would have been a good one, it is more wonderful to know that you followed My direction and are now in the absolute best place for you, for your most successful and rewardingly comfortable career.

Review, yet again, these Teachings from the trip and list the “suggestions” for action that I have offered you. Make a list of letters or cards to write. Clean this desk up. Do the same with your office desk and table. Remember the prelim exams for 2 fine, not-so-youngish women whom you want to see finish before you do. Be aware of balance, but continue with your long-time premise: if what you’re doing is worthwhile, don’t fret about anything you’re not doing, at the time.

This is a fine place, but it is not without its potential frustrations and over-demands. Yet keep in mind the contrast you just have experienced in your parents. They are alive and in no immediate danger of fatal sickness, yet they have virtually nothing to do, that they can do. You certainly don’t want to end up in such a state, but you see that it is one of the real possibilities should you live that long (which isn’t likely).

You’ve missed the weekly bible study sessions, and these are important… and you are an important part of the group. Be sure you go over what they have “covered” on the two Wednesdays you were away and be ready as the next one approaches.

SAT., JULY 20, 1996, 7:03 AM

Back in the most familiar of places, but already missing out on a responsibility, you now must be reconnected with the realities of regular, on-going life. Not that the life you led out in Hawaii and that you “picked up” with Lenore weren’t and aren’t real… you just are reminded that life, for you, is one of making choices. You did, yesterday, but without all of the necessary information. You’ll do better when you really are back and “connected”.

Already invitations are coming for responsibilities at the . . .

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