In An Old, New Place

THURS., JUNE 11, 1987, 6:28 AM

Yes, o son, you have flown many miles to be in a new place, far from your Farm and the responsibilities of your normal life. Yet it is an old, familiar place, even this cabana that looks out over the ocean, the mountain and the ever-changing Hawaiian sky. It is never the same, but there is a continuity to it. Appreciate both that which ties to the past and that which proclaims newness and discontinuity.

This shall be a family and social experience, but I want it also to be a spiritual experience. I want you to seek early those relationships where spirit shall be evident and verbalized. You needn’t be a blatant initiator, but be as appreciative as possible of situations and persons that shall be spiritual in nature.

Naturally I see no reason why you should not come for Teachings on most days. This is vacation time, so setting aside the time necessary and finding the quiet place should be a priority. You still tend to lose the sense of commitment and direction that I propose for you in these Teachings as you move into the activity of day-to-day life. You shall enjoy a better balance if you start off each day with insights from Me. You know this is true. Just do it.

This place encourages you to think about both your youth (relatively) and about approaching old age. There shall be a certain amount of appropriate nostalgia this weekend for times when you were a young man at this school which was important to your early professional life. It is good to look back and remember. This is a function of the mind which developed from My creative powers, and therefore, indirectly, remembering is a holy gift, one for which you should give thanks.

You always give some thought to “what if” in relation to this school and community. This, too, is part of My gift, and I have no objection to your entertaining these thoughts. Just know, however, that for normal life you are exactly where I want you to be and functioning in ways generally pleasing to Me. If you were here you would have had a mission somewhat different than the one you now are in, but your life would not have been without this direction, no matter what the geographic and professional circumstances. You are advanced enough in spiritual development to accept the challenges I offer and to understand, better than most, the nature of spirit and how it is related to life in the earth. I shall not thwart that development, but shall encourage it by adding to your understanding.

Part of the application of your awareness and appreciation is to this other phenomenon… old age. First, you must realize and accept that you may or you may not have an old age, in the infirm sense. However this aging process goes for you, you must see it as a spiritual opportunity. Your resolve to maintain your health… at least an appropriate weight… is slipping, so do what you can to rekindle it. But know that the important resolve is spiritual. If infirmities develop these shall be an opportunity for the demonstration, and development, of spirit. If you can no longer do what you have done in your youth look to what opportunities the new circumstances bring. “Ah, so” is the best philosophy for approaching old age… and certainly for oncoming death.

THURS., JUNE 11, 1987, 6:28 AM

Yes, o son, you have flown many miles to be in a new place, far from your Farm and the responsibilities of your normal life. Yet it is an old, familiar place, even this cabana that looks out over the ocean, the mountain and the ever-changing Hawaiian sky. It is never the same, but there is a continuity to it. Appreciate both that which ties to the past and that which proclaims newness and discontinuity.

This shall be a family and social experience, but I want it also . . .

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