In Memory

December 7, 1979, 4:54 AM

Yes, o son, I roused you early and brought you here not against your will, but without your will being involved.  Yes, I do want you to reflect on that event of three years ago this day – the last day of Peter on earth as Peter.  You remember the morning vividly, and the evening not quite so sharply.  It was an event of great consequence in your life and in the life of your family.

Much has happened in those three years of earth time… a short time, really.  There has been much spiritual development in your three older sons, and I enjoy and am a part of that in each of them.  Matthew is not yet ready, but fear not… he shall develop well in the spirit, but not without some more pain.  Three new lives have joined your family, another important contrast with death and movement away.  And Larry’s new resolve to set his life aright comes almost three years after that walk in the pasture where and when he vowed to do that.

Yes, things change and yet remain the same.  I continue to work in the lives of those I choose (Ye did not choose Me, but I chose you).  The circumstances change, but My work goes on.  Some of the change is of My doing… some is that to which I adapt.  It is an ever artful combination, but I have been doing it for a long time.  It doesn’t really get any “easier”, but I am “experienced!”

Peter was, and still is, a unique being.  He was one that I came to forcefully and powerfully.  His response was a mixture of heartening and saddening.  His was not, certainly, a great success story here on earth, but the influence continues.  Be of a happy spirit in this regard.  Peter is one of Mine, and he develops well.

I shall not have you prophesy about those already mentioned.  (You are still not ready within your spirit for that.  It shall come, partly over your objections, but not for a time.)  Just reflect on them this day, becoming more aware of the changes and the growth these three years have brought.

Then consider yourself.  Your faith was tested on this day three years back, but it was capable.  It grew and developed as a consequence, and now, this year, has moved into a new and useful (and hopefully satisfying) “state”.  Your faith looked up to Me, and I was there.  Now I feel “free” to instruct you and manipulate you for My purposes.  The death was part of that.  Most important events are, simultaneously, part of several different life developments.  Some are related, some not.  You shall understand more clearly, some day.

Yes, the present is full to overflowing, and the future bulges with opportunities and responsibilities, uncountable.  Those are important focuses for your attention, o favored son, but there is a necessary balance.  Consider the past, and think deeply on how life has been.  Sharpen the perspective.  Appreciate how it has been, is now, and shall be.

An everchanging perspective on Matthew is important.  You vowed, after Peter’s death, to give more attention to that one yet developing.  That resolve has not been all it could have been.  There is more accomplished than is evident to you, but it is not evidently satisfying.  His life is important, and you have an important part to play still.  Yet, basically, be who you are as truly as you can be.  And help him to be what he can be. Peter influenced him, in bright ways and in dark.  Peter shall still have an influence on him, now more decidedly bright.  He shall be partly aware and partly unaware of this assistance.

Lenore is a delight to Me.  Her growth in understanding and appreciation of My ways is phenomenal, given her skepticism in earlier years.  Yes, you were born to be together… for mutual support and help.  Appreciate her as you love her.  She is very important to the lives of all of you in the family.  She serves Me well.  And there is more for her to be as she becomes more open and able.

You see, the day is not yet ready to dawn and you have listened to My call to be In Memory.  In all events I appear to you.  In all events I am in you.  What you do makes a difference and yet doesn’t make a difference.  Feel both exalted and humbled.  As I do.

Be in Memory this day.

So be it.

5:59 AM