In Moments Of Time

THURS., JAN. 8, 1987, 6:03 AM

In moments of time the events of life happen. There is a certain connectedness to events, just as there is an apparent continuity in time. Today, however, I shall focus on the moments… that have no necessary connection to other moments. This that we do now has a general pattern, and you can identify a continuity in these times of Teaching, but still this Teaching is in a moment in time. There may be no more. This has value all its own, apart from the whole, of which it seems to be only a speck.

Your life has a continuity that you can document in pictures and that is logical and a “reality,” so your culture says. Yet your memory cannot truly verify this continuity. It can produce only moments and events that logically string together. You had… or you have… a son named Peter. Which is it? Did his son relationship die when his body expired? You have evidence, in moments, that this was not so. In one sense of spirit he still is your son, born 28 years ago. In another his relationship with you waned with his physical death, and his spirit moved on to other growth possibilities, quite outside of time. In a moment of time Peter was born. He lived in moments you can remember. And he died in a moment.

Now your youngest son has returned, after some years away. He has grown and developed in some positive ways, and he has an outgoing, gregarious personality. His spiritual development is slow, however, and this makes setting life goals difficult and the development of harmful habits easier. You have had moments with him that has been pleasant, even rewarding, and there shall be more of these. But you also shall have moments, like these of this night just passing, that shall be painful as they reveal weakness and poorly developed spirit. More of these lie ahead, and they shall be tests of your own spirit. I cannot tell you what to do in each moment. Just know that I shall be with you.

In moments of time you shall write notes and letters that shall be of benefit to those receiving. You shall do the newsletters for some additional time, for these also benefit. I shall let you know when the moment for each has passed. Then these moments will be for other works of value.

In moments of time the yard outside your window was destroyed. You must set aside other moments to reseed and replant so that spring and summer beauty may overcome the drabness of bare earth. Even in this time of winter devote some moments to plans for the flowers and vegetables you shall grow as the spring comes. The moments of beauty and productivity come best with some planning.

In moments of time you hear delightful or majestic music, you read provocative or life enhancing passages, or you do enjoyable chores. Some of these continue in your memory, and many fade away, as moments experienced.

THURS., JAN. 8, 1987, 6:03 AM

In moments of time the events of life happen. There is a certain connectedness to events, just as there is an apparent continuity in time. Today, however, I shall focus on the moments… that have no necessary connection to other moments. This that we do now has a general pattern, and you can identify a continuity in these times of Teaching, but still this Teaching is in a moment in time. There may be no more. This has value all its own, apart from the whole, of which it seems to . . .

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