In Pain

Yes, o son, today you are in pain in an unusual way. It is wise that you seek Me in the midst of your discomfort, though I come as a teacher not as a comforter or healer. This pain is for you to endure… to overcome. You must learn and teach in the midst of adversity. You have had more than your share of good health. Now We shall see how healthy you can be while in pain.

Know ye this: pain is not an evil. It is the balance to times of non-pain. It can be a test. Or it can be a herald of changes approaching in your body, mind, or spirit. It may be a warning to heed, or it may be an experience to have and to overcome. You have approached this well thus far. You are trying to appreciate the experience. You seem quite aware that this is life in a different way from the normal. And now you come to Me. I am almost tempted to remove or reduce your affliction! But worry not, I shall not yield to such a temptation.

In pain is a way to be. Think of your sister and the long time she has functioned in pain. She is meeting her karma in a commendable way. She knows things about living that you nor most others do not. Many people suffer terrible pain at this very moment. Some are being ministered to… others simply must suffer. Notice how you try to change position to relieve the pain. Sometimes it works, but still it returns… the pain. It is a part of you now. It must be lived with appreciation.

Consider the nature of the source of your pain… a tiny defect in your structure. Can you appreciate how many other tiny parts are functioning well? But one small defect in the midst of otherwise perfection can affect your functioning greatly. Be aware of the power of the small and insignificant!

You have much to contemplate from this over-a-week away. You have thoughts for changes in your functioning and your priorities. Consider them seriously, but also weigh the balances of the new with the tried. Consider the blending that is your will and Mine. Seek and yet also do not seek. Be your own person yet still allow My Will to work. It is a nice combination.

Consider the merits of pain. Rejoice that it is physical rather than spiritual, for spiritual pain is far more debilitating. Yet also be aware of how this physical pain erodes the spiritual dimension of your well-being. You shall not be able to share as you would be in full health. But eventually you may be able to share more. Notice this and ponder it.

Feel the new rhythm with pain included. Imagine more clearly the lives of many of My servants… and perhaps the majority of all humankind. You are in pain. You are, in spirit, with many others. Savor this likeness.

At this time use only simple means of relief. You shall be led to do what you should do. Know that I know of your situation and urge you to “be in it fully”

Seek My knowledge more this week. It shall be solace unto your soul.

Amen and Amen
2:45 PM