In Praise Of Diversity

JANUARY 28, 1980
5:51 AM

The theme, o son, was a bit hard in coming this day. You rejected several possibilities, and seemed to want to return to this “sub-theme” from yesterday… which you also discerned in Duane’s sermon. You seem to want to know more about how I view diversity, hoping that your perceptions are close to Mine. It would be hard for you to have to hold some position like unto that of your Jehovah’s Witness brother. So, listen to what I would have you consider.

The title gives Me away. I like diversity. I praise diversity. “Variety is the spice of life”, in My realms also. There is much diversity in human kind… AND almost as much in those who serve Me. Yet, while I like and want diversity in the whole I desire more “purity” in individuals. You will be of most service if you carry out your particular mission well… appreciating others, but not trying to be like others who are meant to be different from you. Reread the teaching, sometime, called Tapestry. Know that My legion is surely that. Within each servant there is not great diversity, but certainly there is in the whole.

As an individual you are one of the more diverse, and you are given to know of this aspect of My Kingdom on Earth. But there are some who are quite narrow in perspective, and quite dedicated to Me in rigid, prescribed ways. They disdain diversity, feeling that much of it stems from the devil. This is quite acceptable. They serve Me well. I have a special love for hot-blooded zealots for My cause, almost however it is circumscribed.

But I also have great affection for those who question and doubt… and for those who appreciate diversity. Know ye!… that because you are one of these latter that you are not specially favored. You are akin to one aspect of My nature, but this means you are far away from some other aspects. To another servant I could send a message, In Praise of Single-Mindedness… or of The Truth…. Or In Praise of Doubt.

You see, I would have each of you servants represent some facet of Me well and clearly. No one can be Me in entirety. And when you try to represent too much, the image gets muddy. So bank the fires of elation that you are more like Me than many others. Yet glory in the fact that you do represent an important facet (could there be an unimportant facet of Me?… ponder that one!) of Me, one for which you are prepared and which you value. You are not one who must become something you are not… who must unlearn much of previous knowledge. This is necessary for some, but not for you.

Yet, as I have told you, you shall always have, by design, some diversity within yourself. You shall remain “orthodox” Presbyterian and yet shall know more of the recurrence of lives. You shall be a committed Christian and yet shall maintain your credibility in your professional field, which shall remain mostly naturalistic. You shall develop the reality of the spiritual dimension to health, but other specialties shall remain.

It shall be your pleasure and your pain to be in relation to other servants who are more and who are less diverse… and who value diversity more and less. Yours is not the ideal position. Don’t try to bring them all to where you are. BUT DO share your position, so that some others know what I have given to you. That is both acceptable and your mission as my servant.

Be quick to appreciate and slow to judge. Learn to see Me in the face and actions of a diverse lot of humans. When you can begin to really do that you will have an increased appreciation of Me. I am Diverse, but I am also Focused. You shall never be able to limit Me by definition or description. Love what you have been given to know and to be.

See each diverse opportunity in relation to Me. To do everything that you do in joyful to solemn service to Me… that’s a worthy goal. Ponder that this day.

Shalom to you, o fine son.
6:53 AM