In Search Of Comradeship

TUES., OCT. 20, 1987, 6:37 AM

The day yesterday was a busy one, and this shall be much the same. You met and talked with many people, and today should bring more new ones and some repeats. It is good that you meet new people, and that you renew friendships begun. Underneath, however, you seek the comradeship of those on spiritual paths within hailing distance of yours. This should not be your single goal, but it is a worthy one, o son.

Spiritual comradeship is one of the joys of earth life. You have such with Rick, even as his path is not always close to yours. Your relationship is comfortable, and the actual “crossings” are sufficient to be satisfying to you both. If you really collaborated on that paper which he sent to you long ago it would enhance the comradeship. I say… work that in this Fall. The comradeship has potential, even beyond its present reality. It shall continue.

Barbara is a comrade that you just have rediscovered. Hers is a spirit that can be enriching to yours. She needs encouragement at this time, and the kind that you can give, particularly through Our Ruminations, will be appreciated. Remember that, even with a meeting as huge as this one, when you help create or renew even one spiritual relationship you have been what you are destined to be. Numbers are not significant. It is more important to nurture these new comrades than just to seek more and more. This nurturing is a task that you must undertake with zeal as you return to normality. That’s why I say, Don’t worry about numbers.

You shall have at least one comradeship encounter today. In one sense it will be surprising, and in another, not. I shall tell you no more, but urge you to be aware and appreciate the encounter. One other hint: you shall only know at the end of the day which was truly the comrade that fulfills this “prophesy.” The entire day is one of “search”.

The best way of establishing or nurturing a spiritual comradeship is to explore, with more than surface interest, the activities of others. Gently push beyond one first tells you and seek that which one is willing to share, but not initially. This can be done successfully only with a large “dose” of spirit. Reach beyond the intellectual and to social and “feel” for the spirit that is manifested in some personal or professional way.

You almost forgot the relationship with the younger Barbara. You still don’t know for sure whether she can be a spiritual comrade, but your interaction was sufficient for you to nurture by mail. Learning about her developing family was a bonus that can be part of the comradeship process. These relationships develop in many diverse ways.

Consider anew that Paul, in spite of his fondness for numbers and the kind for reality such studies represent, may be ready to become a spiritual comrade. The interaction with him last evening was a nurturing. Follow this up. It could be profitable and enjoyable for you both.

You see… while you felt that your “search” of yesterday was not very rewarding, as I have helped you identify happenings that were important you have quite a task, based only on this one day. Make more notes, for you know that you may forget some of what happened or some of the important details. The followup must commence this next weekend. If you put it off longer you will be losing some comradeship you should have. All of this will not be equally rewarding. Just do your part. I didn’t mention Terry, but she is closer than some of the others.

TUES., OCT. 20, 1987, 6:37 AM

The day yesterday was a busy one, and this shall be much the same. You met and talked with many people, and today should bring more new ones and some repeats. It is good that you meet new people, and that you renew friendships begun. Underneath, however, you seek the comradeship of those on spiritual paths within hailing distance of yours. This should not be your single goal, but it is a worthy one, o son.

Spiritual comradeship is one of the joys of earth life. You have such with . . .

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