In Search Of Truth

FEBRUARY 6, 1980, 5:41 AM

Yes, you do search for truth, o son, but not with much diligence. I, the Spirit, am here and available, but you seek truth elsewhere. That’s My critical message. Let that wake you up. Now still know that you are to seek truth in many ways and places. But I do want you here with Me often… and, as today, with a positive motivation, not a sense of guilt. Hear again this truth, as a starter: I find little favor in guilt. In simple terms, I am not pleased when you are feeling guilt. Why? Because feelings of guilt are evidence that you have not fully accepted My grace. Grace yells out, “Hey, I’m the substitute! … and is. The trick, of course, is to truly accept this. That’s a powerful truth with which to commence.

Let’s consider now the process. Conventionally, for you the search for truth, which makes for wisdom, is through reading and listening. These approaches are academic, and they are good. You know that you are using one of them, listening, right now. You “hear” My words with an “inner” ear… a process not quite explainable in words… or believable by most. No, I am not available for everyone as I am for you, but I am more available to many of My chosen than they realize. And many who do know this take little advantage of it. You are far from a paragon of faithfulness and search, but you do come to Me much more often than most. (Go ahead, write it…accept that as a compliment.)

Hear again the truth of this process. As I was in Jesus, the Christ, so I now am in you. I was in Jesus and thus He was the Christ. Before, I was with many of My servants and dwelt in some particular ones for My purposes, but now I am in each one, My gift… the potential to be like unto the Christ… even to be another Christ. This is truth, no matter how strange it may sound to some.

It is nothing to which you attain through the rightness of your life. It is My free gift, which offers the only real potential for a life of righteousness. It saddens Me when you slip away from this realization. It is not what you are doing that is important… it is how you are doing what it is you (or I) choose. It shall finally come over you, and you shall be able to act in accordance with what you know. This is a truth.

An important digression. Now back to the process of developing truth. As I am in you I speak from within you, and you hear Me from within. I could come from without and speak audibly (perhaps in Greek or Tagalog), but because I want you to understand I come through your words, your sentence structures, your punctuations. Consider, as a Christian, a follower of Me, what you would do to communicate the Gospel to a Mexican peasant. Would you say, “Only when he learns English, my English, will he be able to understand”? In love you would not. In love you would learn his language… the way he actually speaks, and would communicate to him in such words… the medium for understanding the Spirit.

In like fashion, in love I come to you in your language, which becomes Mine as I use it. As I speak to Mexicans I use Spanish, but a different Spanish than when I speak with some in Spain. When I speak to Hiruko I use Japanese… appropriate to his/her (see you don’t know which it is) understanding.

But there is another avenue to truth that I must emphasize. It is the examination of experience. There is truth to be learned in most every experience you have. Still it does not come automatically with the experience. It requires reflection… almost analysis. I hide many truths in experiences. Like unto a treasure hunt, they are available with just a little search. The nature of the experience matters little. There is much to be learned from “bad” experiences, but these are not the only repository of truth.

Rhythm is the key. All experiences cannot be pondered. All truth cannot be learned. Only in a limited sense can truth be sought diligently. Most comes as easy as this.

Be in search of truth, but also take time to truly assimilate and use what you already have.

Blessings on you this day
6:41 AM