In Search Of Truth

OCT. 3, 1980, 5:25 AM

Welcome, o son, to this fount of truth. You are in search of truth, but you do not always look around you, wherever you are, and discern what is yours to recover. You see the note on your desk, which tells you to set forth one small book as a journal for experiences. You haven’t done this, and therefore you are missing out on this means of gathering truth… of learning from experiences.

You know that truth in relation to the spirit is available in many forms, but you seem to be assuming that it comes only in formal interviews or from the published page. These are good sources, and you must begin to set down information and observations that lead to truth in some systematic ways. But you are aware of this. You just haven’t done it yet.

Other sources are not yet in your awareness. The experiences of life, your dreams, your reveries, that which you hear and see. All of these are sources from which truth will trickle-yea, even may flow. But you have to know that these are part of the search.

Let Me guide you in some reflections on the days just past. Yesterday you looked at a house, a house certainly superior to the one in which you now live or to the Farmhouse. But you were struck with the absence of large trees… and did express this preference. You should also have discerned that trees are now part of your spiritual environment. Your spirit responds to trees, and you may need to explore this in more depth. Some spirits need the ocean, some vast vistas of open space, some trees.

This does not mean that your spirit would shrink or wither in the absence of trees. It is truth to know that the spirit has more resilience and adaptability than that. But it is also truth to know the environment in which spirit is most naturally nourished.

OCT. 3, 1980, 5:25 AM

Welcome, o son, to this fount of truth. You are in search of truth, but you do not always look around you, wherever you are, and discern what is yours to recover. You see the note on your desk, which tells you to set forth one small book as a journal for experiences. You haven’t done this, and therefore you are missing out on this means of gathering truth… of learning from experiences.

You know that truth in relation to the spirit is available in many forms, but you seem . . .

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