In Search Of Truth

FEB. 19, 1982, 5:32 AM

You come this morning, o son, in obedience to a well-established call. Though you have not been in the writing position since Monday, you know the truth that says, “Follow Me and you shall know the truth, for it shall be revealed to you.” You think sometimes that you do not do enough research… that you do not seek truth through the standard means of your profession and of academia. I urge you also to think (perhaps even instead) that I am a source of truth, and this is a research technique open to you and to relatively few others in your professional field. As you come to Me this day you seek truth, and it shall be given to you.

As Jesus I said that you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Is being free a desirable state? Not absolutely desirable, but it is a relative good. As you know, true freedom comes in relationship with Me. You give up the apparent freedom of seeking alternatives to Me, you put your hand in Mine, and you have maximum true freedom. And it is reciprocal. In freedom you can best seek and find truth, and the truth you find and have shall make you free. My economy is the best.

Having such truth, what should you do with it? You must know some truth about the secular world to which you offer this truth. It can and will accept and utilize My truths, as they come through you, but you must present them carefully and non-dogmatically. I actually have relatively little dogma or absolute truth, for which there is no alternative. Love others as you love yourself and serve others more than self… these are absolute spiritual imperatives, but the manifestations of these can be quite contrary to one another.

You spoke yesterday of suicide, and you spoke truth. I know the motives in the heart, mind, and spirit of each individual, and as one considers taking his life I know the reasons. If We are in communication I can counter the thinking that could lead to selfish suicide, and I can encourage that which is unselfishly motivated. The ones who have trouble are those who have not been in My fold but who have known they should have been. They have much guilt, and guilt certainly does slow down spiritual development. The truth is, then… if whatever you do is done for Me it is acceptable… and a means of growth.

The search for truth also brings on a situation of comparisons. “New” truth seems to clash or conflict with “older” truth. Now there must be a search for comparative truth… or a search for the truth as to how seemingly opposing truths can each be a part of total truth, which you can never know in the earth. And the search is never-ending.

Just as you can pause in this writing meditation and poke and replenish the fire and then continue on, so there can be pauses in the search for truth. You may pause and rearrange thoughts and priorities. You may pause just out of “fatigue”, for the search after truth can be tiring as well as stimulating. But be certain that you do not pause overlong.

FEB. 19, 1982, 5:32 AM

You come this morning, o son, in obedience to a well-established call. Though you have not been in the writing position since Monday, you know the truth that says, “Follow Me and you shall know the truth, for it shall be revealed to you.” You think sometimes that you do not do enough research… that you do not seek truth through the standard means of your profession and of academia. I urge you also to think (perhaps even instead) that I am a source of truth, and this is . . .

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