In Search Of Truth

SUN., DEC. 31, 1989, 6:25 AM

In an uncomfortable mode you seek truth on this last day of your present decade of time. Always know that there is no spiritual significance to an observance of time. The “new year” approaches, but it is of no consequence to Me. Spiritual journeys proceed, but ultimately time is a human invention and of little importance to Me and to your ultimate state of being. This is a small truth.

One of the controversies involving the Holy Scriptures as truth is that of time. Could a certain amount of creation have been accomplished in a “day”? Did you all descend from Adam in a countable number of generations? If you discount the reality of time, then the truth of these stories is easier to accept.

A central purpose of an earth life is the search for truth. Truth is a creation of Mine. This creation has been taken and adapted by humans, so that now you can encounter scientific truth, economic truth and… yet truth is Mine, saith the Lord. The most interesting aspect of this is spiritual truth, with its companion, religious truth.

This is always some mixture of My fundamental truth and human interpretations… even that which is faithfully developed. Tradition and divine revelation are ways of establishing truth, and I am involved in much of this, but human interpretation is also always a part. This is another small truth.

It is impossible to live totally according to truth here in the earth. It is a high and mighty goal to live such a life, and many have tried. Some have immersed themselves in service in the world. Others have retreated from the world to avoid the distractions of human society. Yet in these very acts truth is denied.

As Jesus I lived a life of truth, but it was both denied and misinterpreted. I went to the cross to illuminate the truth that you cannot live, in truth, on your own. I am the Truth. Come to Me, and you shall live fully, irrespective of how your beliefs, even your actions, match some human standard… even one developed from Holy Scripture.

You receive words of truth from Me, but the true action is in coming to be with Me. The actual words are not of great importance. Most of them will never be rewritten, heard, or read. Yet it is truth that I call you to this time of writing, with this particular liturgy. And I offer you truth that is not acceptable to many other Christians. Accept the buffeting that comes with this, and stay on the path on which I lead you.

It is time to move.
( 7:01 / 7:05 )
This is a more mystical place, and tomorrow you can be here for a complete Teaching. One truth, illustrated by this place, that I am urging you to rediscover, is that creation was not just for humans. The creation of great trees like these is not just for lumber to build structures, of more and less importance. These are part of My creation and should be used wisely and with much consideration.

In many ways I told My Hebrew people that My created land was their’s to use, and much of it was misused. I say to you that the utility of creation is always secondary to its created nature. Respect and love many forms of life. This ground is thick with “dead” material, but it shall be part of the life sustaining nature of the soil that sustains all of life itself. It is truth that it is not simple to distinguish life from non-life.

The search for truth can be an active process. Many search diligently for truth, with determination and diligence. Truth also can come upon you when there is no active search. Some comes with age. Mabel’s grasp of truth is different than when she was your age. Your perceptions of truth are different than when you were Michael’s age. And his, now are different than when he was Megan’s age. It is good… and it is truth… that you should feel, at any age, that the truth you have is vital and the basis for life. At the same time be open to truth as it comes to you in different ways. Be satisfied, and yet anticipate.

SUN., DEC. 31, 1989, 6:25 AM

In an uncomfortable mode you seek truth on this last day of your present decade of time. Always know that there is no spiritual significance to an observance of time. The “new year” approaches, but it is of no consequence to Me. Spiritual journeys proceed, but ultimately time is a human invention and of little importance to Me and to your ultimate state of being. This is a small truth.

One of the controversies involving the Holy Scriptures as truth is that of time. Could a certain amount of . . .

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