In Search Of Truth

TUES., SEPT. 29, 1992, 6:19 AM

Truth… that which is true… and therefore good. Everyone should, in some ways and to some extent, be looking for truth. Yet always remember that it is the search itself which may be more valuable than the truth that is found, in one of several ways.

There are a few truly absolute truths and then a whole spectrum or continuum of relative truths. Some are almost absolute. A great many are absolute for some and more relative for others. And these shade on into matters of judgment as to how relative and, finally, on to truths that change quickly and often… but are true for a time.

Why the search? Truth is bedrock. Truth is certainty. Truth gives stability to life, and everyone needs some stability. Some cultures seek to maintain stability, even with force, and in these truth is very important. Other cultures, such as the one in which you live this life and function, value freedom and change and therefore are more satisfied with relative truth… truth that changes with the culture or that emerges as the culture changes.

Some truth, then, comes forth pragmatically from the experiences of life. It is a philosophical choice whether truth is discovered, is created anew, or is revealed in some religious or mystical way. Or, I would say, don’t limit your search for truth. Be open to any of these means. Be avid for truth. But I digress. Pragmatic truth is truth that works. You plant seeds in the ground, and plants come up. Certain seeds produce certain plants. And then comes the truth, from this year’s experience, that certain seeds flourish, as your zinnia seeds did, producing plants while other seeds perished… plants greater than any grown before. It is another pragmatic truth that your health and well-being have not been affected by wearing a seat belt, for you have been in no accident, with or without being belted. It is truth that they save lives, but you have your experiential truth.

There is established truth, truth that is printed and can be learned by reading and hearing. Much scientific truth is of this sort. Experiments prove… surveys show… scientists know… and so should you. It is such a truth that you live close to an earthquake fault, one of those aspects of My creation, the earth, that makes you wonder Why? The truth is that the fault will move, and there will be a quake, eventually. Yet when and how strong are not known, but shall be aspects of truth established only with the event itself.

Created truth may be pragmatic and from experience or it may just break forth in your mind (aided by your spirit). You know that the two disabilities that you have experienced, with each leg, while being physical in nature, were healed by human/spiritual interacting. Oh, I did reveal it to you, but the real truth of it came forth from you.

TUES., SEPT. 29, 1992, 6:19 AM

Truth… that which is true… and therefore good. Everyone should, in some ways and to some extent, be looking for truth. Yet always remember that it is the search itself which may be more valuable than the truth that is found, in one of several ways.

There are a few truly absolute truths and then a whole spectrum or continuum of relative truths. Some are almost absolute. A great many are absolute for some and more relative for others. And these shade on into matters of judgment as to how relative . . .

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