In Spirit And In Truth

THURS., FEB. 26, 1987, 6:03 AM

You see the title, o son, but you have little idea as to what it will produce. Your mind is not attuned to this task this morning, unfortunately. Still… you are here, and I shall work diligently to overcome your wandering mind.

“God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in sprit and in truth.” This is the total theme… one of the quotes from your yet uncompleted study of the direct mention of spirit or Spirit in the four Gospels. “God is a Spirit” seems rather obvious. As God I have been pictured or characterized as an old male with a long white beard in a white robe, either smilingly benign or downright angry. Yet most would accept this as a caricature and would accept that God is Spirit. The designation Spirit, however, means, simply and yet magnificently, that God is Supreme Spirit… that from which all other forms of spirit flow… and to which they ultimately return.

In this sense there is no reason to have the concept of the Triune God. For I, the Holy Spirit, am the same Spirit, and Jesus the Christ is of the same Spirit. In the ultimate Spirit sense there is no need for differentiation. We are, simply and finally, One. When I say that you, as a spirit, will eventually return to become an indistinguishable part of Me, this is the same as saying you shall become One with the Father God and One with Jesus, the Son. Your identity will no longer be necessary. You shall merge and thus become that from which new individual spirits are created and emerge.

Now, as an aside, but an important one, I’ll say again that there are reasons, also, for being Three in One. As God I decided to come and live in the earth as a flesh and blood human, Jesus of Nazareth, nearly 2,000 years ago historically, as time is calculated. As Jesus I was One with the Father, and yet My human form, though well endowed with Spirit, made Me separate from Him. As My body was about to be killed I promised the Holy Spirit would come into the earth as My Spiritual successor. Thus, I, the Holy Spirit, who had functioned in the earth as God, and as a “separate” Spirit, became a “permanent resident” of this earth plane. And because I am Spirit I function today just as diligently and thoroughly as when My “assignment” began. Yes, there are incredibly more individual spirits here now that at Pentecost, but numbers are no more important or real than time. I have time for you and this lesson, but in no way does this detract from many other contacts at this “moment.”

Worship is the acknowledgement of My Presence, My Power, and My Love and a thrusting of yourself toward union with Me… as well as the more obvious mystical union with others who worship with you. Though worship can have a tangible, liturgical form in a designated building with pews, organ, cross, sound system and other physical adjuncts, it is also an exercise in spirit. You could describe a worship service in words, but the mystical, spiritual reality is beyond words.

What is truth? There is Ultimate Truth, but only I, in My oneness, “have” this (for it is also what I Am). You have a small, fragmented picture of truth, but you must utilize this, also, in worship. What you know about Me, as Three in One, should be the base for any worship experience. What you know about the truth of life in the earth should be part of worship. You know, for example, that life is eternal, and it takes many forms as it is apart from the Eternal Source. This truth should be part of your worship.

THURS., FEB. 26, 1987, 6:03 AM

You see the title, o son, but you have little idea as to what it will produce. Your mind is not attuned to this task this morning, unfortunately. Still… you are here, and I shall work diligently to overcome your wandering mind.

“God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in sprit and in truth.” This is the total theme… one of the quotes from your yet uncompleted study of the direct mention of spirit or Spirit in the four Gospels. “God is a Spirit” seems rather obvious . . .

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