In Spirit There Is Strength

TUES., AUG. 11, 1992, 7:01 AM

Strength is a term and a concept that applies most often to the physical body. If muscles have strength they can lift, push, move objects, accomplishing necessary work. You do not have as much strength, particularly combined with endurance, as you remember having in your younger years. You also realize that even as you try to maintain that physical strength it shall ebb as you age. I encourage you to maintain as much as you can for as long as you can.

But this Teaching is about spiritual strength rather than physical. The concept of strength fits that of spirit quite as well as it does the physical, say I. More importantly, it is quite possible for your spirit to gain strength as you age rather than lose it. Your spirit, as the most pertinent example, is continually gaining in strength and has been since We began this close relationship over 13 years ago. At times you realize, of course, that your spirit is not as strong as you would want it to be, but let that realization be the impetus for increasing strength toward what you want.

Another night of uncomfortable itching has been yours to experience. This is both a test of spiritual strength and a means of increasing that strength. I have no objection to your seeking medication to counter the itching experience, but I am much more in favor of your seeing this as a spiritual challenge, strengthening your spirit as you endure this.

This may seem rather cruel and sadistic of Me, for shouldn’t I, as the loving, gentle Spirit, want only comfort and ease for you humans, most especially for those whom I choose for particular tasks? Right… except for the “only.” I want your spirit to grow in strength, in endurance, and in flexibility, and I just know that this growth comes best in some amount of hardship that challenges this spirit of yours. Occasionally I cause these challenges. Mostly, as in this case, I just use natural events and occurrences.

Some of these can be truly severe. You read of the turmoil, fighting, and suffering in Sarajevo and other parts of that Baltic area. Servants of Mine from three strong traditions still see one another as enemies. Those who are most persecuted now are the Muslims, and those who survive, hanging onto the truth that “Whatever happens is the Will of Allah” will be stronger spirits, however their lives develop after this. To be persecuted in your own land is a terrible challenge to spirit. Many humans have had such an experience, and some of these have developed a wonderfully strong spirit, therefrom.

You shall probably never have such an experience. Yet because such is not in your experience you do not have the spiritual strength to meet these minor challenges. But if you do face them and see them as the opportunities they are, in My perception, you shall increase your spiritual strength.

The simplest way, that I have offered to you, however, is in coming to Me for these Teachings and in creating a Ruminations Letter as I have suggested. Each time you look through these volumes you are re-impressed with how much I have shared with you. I want you to realize also that these many volumes represent your growth in spiritual strength, for not every one would be willing to hear and write as you do. When circumstances cause you to miss a Teaching when you know you should be here with Me you are quite aware of this lack. Your spirit carries you through, but it then feels good to be in this mode again, gaining even more strength.

TUES., AUG. 11, 1992, 7:01 AM

Strength is a term and a concept that applies most often to the physical body. If muscles have strength they can lift, push, move objects, accomplishing necessary work. You do not have as much strength, particularly combined with endurance, as you remember having in your younger years. You also realize that even as you try to maintain that physical strength it shall ebb as you age. I encourage you to maintain as much as you can for as long as you can.

But this Teaching is about spiritual strength rather than . . .

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