In The Heart Of A City, Again

WED., OCT. 8, 1986, 9:29 AM

Quite a contrast to the mountain environment of yesterday! In the midst of a busy, rumbling city you sit, not comfortably, and hope you hear Me. In this place of non-solitude will I be available? As you desire to commence this convention day in this meditative way, I resist any temptation to leave you alone… and untaught. (You have placed yourself so that you need discipline. The time factor really isn’t crucial, but liturgy and discipline are.)

In front of you is a stunted pine, and there are spruces and other trees. The grass is green and well kept and thus more attractive, in some ways, than the native grass surviving in the rocky mountain soil. You hear the city, and as you look up you can see it around you, but you are in a nice park, people’s re-creation of the beauty of nature that is so easily lost as a city is constructed. So, there is both a difference and a continuity as you move from one physical scene to another. The sun is warm, and the fall season that had begun is postponed. Are there spiritual messages in these observations on nature? Well, you certainly expect that there are… and you’re right!

The pine, the grass, and the blue sky symbolize a continuity in life. You are with different people, doing different “things,” but you bring to this new situation a continuity of self. You shall contribute from this continuing self, and it shall grow in this process. You have the potential for being a more aware and appreciative soul as a result of this experience. To what extent you take advantage of this opportunity is up to you… though I am always available as a helper.

You realize also, though dimly, that this self that has been functioning for over 60 years has a continuity with other experiences and with a soul in everlasting life. As I have told you, the exact nature of these experiences is unimportant. Just know that you are on a longer path than the years of this life suggest. You are not to be limited to what is obvious and countable.

In a similar way this park is here partly because there is good soil and a water cycle and seeds of trees that have lived and died for eons. Without these fundamentals of continuity it would be much harder to have this lovely park in which to sit.

Though this site is fairly simple and natural it would not be sufficient for the life needs of you and the other folk in this city. Except for a few balmy nights, mostly in summer, it would not be a comfortable place to sleep and to take care of the necessities of life. (You are besieged by time-keeping in this city place.) And so a city is constructed. For many years cities have been constructed, for this is a necessity when people congregate together.

From your limited Biblical reading you know that even from these ancient times there were great cities, richer by far than others, where people had comparable needs. I am not against these disparities, for there are spiritual lessons to learn in every condition of life.

The major lessons in a condition of affluence are awareness and appreciation of this advantage and a strong sense that this has not come to you because of your abilities, your goodness, or your hard work, but are gifts… that should be shared lavishly. No political or economic system can ever create happiness and equality for all. The closest you can come to this, in the earth, is when those who have, take only what they need and help others, out of love for Me and this complex world that is, fundamentally, My creation.

WED., OCT. 8, 1986, 9:29 AM

Quite a contrast to the mountain environment of yesterday! In the midst of a busy, rumbling city you sit, not comfortably, and hope you hear Me. In this place of non-solitude will I be available? As you desire to commence this convention day in this meditative way, I resist any temptation to leave you alone… and untaught. (You have placed yourself so that you need discipline. The time factor really isn’t crucial, but liturgy and discipline are.)

In front of you is a stunted pine, and there are . . .

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