In The Matter Of Being Called

FRI., MAY 18, 1990, 5:01 AM

Early this morning it was when you pledged that you would be here this day for a Teaching if you woke up in time. You knew that it would be unlikely that you would awaken… or be willing to get up, with little sleep and a busy day ahead. But here you are, symbolically called, wide awake and writing. You can explain it any way you wish, but one alternative must be that I called you, for My own purposes.

Last Sunday you realized you had a challenge to a basic tenet of your theology. (And was the challenge from Me?) In your class were a couple who are servants of Mine, but whose Christian path is a bit different from yours. They extol free will, and, in an either/or mode of thinking, assert that any individual is free to reject My call. According to this interpretation you could have rejected My call this morning and benefitted from at least another hour of sleep.

I tell you that it is not a negation of free will to counter that I call in such a way that you are not truly free to reject Me. It is not that I take away you free will. I just indicate what your free choice should be, in a fashion quite clear to you. If you were one on a “free will path” you would affirm that you had chosen to come and that you could have rejected this or any other such call.

Your path, in somewhat of a contrast, is to witness to the fact that I do call certain people, for I have a free will also. And Scripture does not prevent Me from asserting it. Your call is both like and unlike that of My old time servant Paul, aka Saul. Your call is unlike his in that his role in My revelation to the people of earth was a major one and crucial one. Wherever Christianity has been and is known on this earth Paul’s name and his mission are known. I did not call others before him who, in free will, said, “No thanks, Lord.” Saul had a strong will, set against Me. I knew this, and I simply exerted My will just beyond his capacity to reject Me. It was that simple. The meeting of two strong wills is quite an event.

My call to you is not to be a famous and necessary spiritual and historical leader. You are not called to be a great force in Christianity or in spirituality. I do call you to work toward the restoration of the spiritual as a dimension of health, quite comparable to the other more accepted dimensions. My call to you is just strong enough to overcome your natural reluctance to be this active a servant of Mine.

I knew that it was not a natural wish of yours to have a calling such as this, with a means of communication that is this direct and tangible. So I didn’t approach you suddenly as I did Saul. Instead I began to overcome your will in gentle, subtle ways. Then when I came to you almost eleven years ago (we’ll see about Sunday… just let My will be done… but be prepared) it wasn’t a powerful event, and you were ready to accept your calling.

Could you have chosen not to accept. I want you to affirm No, on the premise that the creation can never be mightier than the Creator. I give you free will, but I never say that I will not exert My omnipotent Will. Can yours overcome Mine. Not if I do not want it to. Have you lost your freedom? Yes and No. In an actual sense you have. In a spiritual sense you are only truly free when you are doing My will, with your hand in Mine. I sought your hand. You didn’t actively reach for Mine. I took yours and put you on a somewhat new path, but one for which I had been preparing you.

FRI., MAY 18, 1990, 5:01 AM

Early this morning it was when you pledged that you would be here this day for a Teaching if you woke up in time. You knew that it would be unlikely that you would awaken… or be willing to get up, with little sleep and a busy day ahead. But here you are, symbolically called, wide awake and writing. You can explain it any way you wish, but one alternative must be that I called you, for My own purposes.

Last Sunday you realized you had a challenge to a basic . . .

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