In The Matter Of Faithfulness

APRIL 21, 1980, 5:19 AM

Yes, o son, it took some time to identify this theme and sort it from other worthy and unworthy ones. You knew you were to come to this place in this early morning, in this you were faithful. You thought the title would come immediately. It did not. But you were faithful to the process. You recognized it as a test, and here you are.

The theme translates into truth. Faithfulness is My chief requirement. The central task of life here in the earth is to be aware of and fully appreciate My power and eminence and acknowledge your close relationship to Me. Hear again what I have told you before: your faithfulness to Me does not diminish you as a total person… it enhances and strengthens you and gives you greater capacity. It is still you… but with greater power and scope than you would have without Me.

You see, of course, that there is no way to test this, scientifically. You cannot be faithful and not be faithful at the same time… and the power and effectiveness that results from serving Me is a function of you alone. It cannot be compared, realistically, to that of others. It is simply an act of faith that faithfulness is “worth it”.

It is pleasing to Me that you adopt this attitude in things that you do. You did those papers last night as an act of faithfulness to the class. It was not just a task for you to do, but the reciprocal to their faithfully writing the stories. The completion comes in talking about the task and clarifying points of evaluation. Your inherent attitude was a good one.

Now, you wonder, how do the black stools relate to this theme, for surely I shall say something about this happening. You realize that it was not chance that brought all those circumstances to bear… to give you some concern that all is not well within your healthy body. I shall not comment on the physical manifestation at this time. Know, however, that it was a sign relating to faithfulness of which I wanted you to be aware. You considered, last week, the lifeline exercise you will use with your class this week, in which your life stretches out well in the next century of human time. In this perspective there is much time in which to live, to work, to love, to meditate, to be faithful… and also unfaithful. There is “lots of time”. I also wanted you to consider, seriously, what “little time” would mean. Would it increase your faithfulness? At this point in your developing life where do you put your supreme trust? Do you really?

I have a good idea of what your ultimate values are, but you wouldn’t truly know until a real test came. But simulations can help you see where you “think” you are. How faithful should you be? How “full” a person do you truly want to be? Can you take the risk that faithfulness to Me is the way to life’s fullness? You have been chosen to face this supremely. You have done it before, and you are progressing well, but you still must choose and must live in the manner of your choosing.

There are many ways to be faithful, and you are recognizing more and more of them. The action itself is of little consequence. It is the relationship of your spirit to Mine that is important. I know when your actions, whatever they may be, are motivated by faithfulness. As you want this, and increasingly know how it “feels”, you can grow in this capacity. It is like unto your understanding of biofeedback… as you learn the “feel” of what you desire you can choose to experience that state.

Know that every experience you have, unconscious as well as conscious, has the potential for demonstrating and choosing for faithfulness. You will not choose every time. You are not yet developed enough. But you shall be increasingly aware of the differences in reaction. Worry not about your imperfections. Just be more aware… and follow your spirit as it inclines toward Mine.

This is a fundamental teaching. Consider it often. Know that there is infinite time, limited time, and no time. Which? Does it matter if your responsibility and opportunity is to be… faithful?

See what this day brings. Glory in its opportunities.

Amen… and amen
6:32 AM