In The Matter Of Faithfulness

TUES., JULY 3, 1984, 6:31 AM

Hear, o son, as I develop, again, an old theme but one of supreme importance. You heard it before you were out of bed, and you know it relates in some ways to your talk yesterday with Chris. When I call you to special service… as I have called you… I demand faithfulness. This doesn’t sound like Me, now does it? Listen.

You have a goodly measure of faith, a holy combination of gift from Me and that which you have developed, over time and through experience. This is “nice to have”, but it must be exercised if it is to be. “Use it or lose it” is an appropriate aphorism for faith. And, of course, faithfulness is a matter of being true to your faith.

I exist. That is an article of faith. No one can objectively prove this, but, of course, objective proof is not the appropriate test for such an affirmation. My reality affects the mind and can even have an intellectual quality to it, but it is fundamentally a matter of spirit. I am One, and I also am Three. That is certainly a matter of faith, for reason insists that being must be more specifically described.

I who speak to you am the Holy Spirit. Yet I am one with Jesus, the Christ, who lives and reigns and is more real to some Christian than I am. You needn’t seek after a more intimate relationship with Jesus. To you I come as the Holy Spirit, a slightly different form of the One that Is. And I, We, am (are) a part of and yet One with the God who is all of those omnis… omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. This is a matter of faith which you hold, and I expect you to be faithful to this knowledge.

As Jesus I promised that I, the Holy Spirit, would come and guide/teach some of you in each generation. The Scriptures don’t say that I will come to you , Bob Russell, late in the 20th century after My incarnation as Jesus, and that I shall give you Teachings which you shall write down on light green paper with a particular red and silver ball point pen. There is no such Scriptural specificity, so it is a matter of faith that I “possess” you in this way… and, hence, you must be faithful to this calling.

I realize that there is a certain risk in being so demanding of faithfulness. I realize that many who learn of Me in strong, dogmatic ways turn away from the (Me) I who am demanding, calling for their privilege as free humans to reject Me completely or to ignore My call for faithfulness. You are not disciplined in all ways, certainly, but you have and have developed that quality which I require. Now we haven’t tested this out in real adversity, and this might be necessary, but thus far your faithfulness to this teaching/learning process is adequate, as is your sharing of these insights.

An issue raised by Chris yesterday which relates to your faith is that of evil forces, evil spirits, evil in the earth. You have not experienced such, personally, as she has, but you hear her testimony and it shakes your faith slightly in Me as the ultimate power. Let Me reaffirm, then, that I am the Supreme Power and nothing exists or persists which is not part of My overall plan for the earth. Maintain your faith that what I tell you is true and know that faithfulness to this spirit knowledge will protect you from such forces. This does not mean you shall have no hardships. Your faith simply says these are part of the spiritual growth process.

TUES., JULY 3, 1984, 6:31 AM

Hear, o son, as I develop, again, an old theme but one of supreme importance. You heard it before you were out of bed, and you know it relates in some ways to your talk yesterday with Chris. When I call you to special service… as I have called you… I demand faithfulness. This doesn’t sound like Me, now does it? Listen.

You have a goodly measure of faith, a holy combination of gift from Me and that which you have developed, over time and through experience. This is “nice . . .

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