In The Matter Of Faithfulness, II

WED., AUG. 19, 1981, 6:15 AM

You spent some unnecessary moments considering this theme, o son. It seems to your mind that there was an earlier teaching on the same theme. You finally let your spirit dominate, and it declared, “There’s always more to learn about faithfulness.” True, o spirit. Hear some more about being faithful.

Faithfulness to Me is the prime requirement. As I have told you before, this involves trust in Me, in My power and wisdom, and in My capacity to lead you in proper paths. You also have to trust in My means of communicating and then be faithful in coming to hear Me. Just know that there will be rewards for your faithfulness in coming to these morning sessions. You sometimes have doubts about this. Go ahead and doubt. Test these any way you can imagine, but continue to be faithful in having this meditation with Me.

Be not quick to decide that these times are unimportant. Being faithful is returning even when they seem unprofitable… writing even when the words come slowly (as they do this morning)… when your mind wanders to other matters. In the midst of all this, sit here and show your faithfulness to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. Show your faith in Me.

The same principles apply in faithfulness to your wife, your job, your family… to certain modes of being. You pondered, last evening, the matter of having faith in yourself vs. seeking changes that would make you function better. Obviously, there is a rhythm here that must achieve a balance, for changes in self are desirable all the way through a lifetime. At the same time you have integrity as a relatively mature person, and you need to show forth faith in the being you are.

If you are short in your faith in Me I still exist and am not diminished by your unfaithfulness (I am saddened, but not diminished.) But if you lose faith in yourself, your very being is lessened, and the changes you make may not compensate for the loss. This is an important balance… and it applies to beings of all ages.

WED., AUG. 19, 1981, 6:15 AM

You spent some unnecessary moments considering this theme, o son. It seems to your mind that there was an earlier teaching on the same theme. You finally let your spirit dominate, and it declared, “There’s always more to learn about faithfulness.” True, o spirit. Hear some more about being faithful.

Faithfulness to Me is the prime requirement. As I have told you before, this involves trust in Me, in My power and wisdom, and in My capacity to lead you in proper paths. You also have to trust in My . . .

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