In The Matter Of Matthew

SUN., MAY 30, 1982, 5:31 AM

Having heard My message through another good and true source, Mabel, you are eager, o son, to hear what I have to say to you directly. Be certain that you still understand the differences in these two communications. Through Mabel I send personal, prophetic messages that involve both attitude and action. To you I give teachings that can be of value to others as well as yourself. But, of course, I do sometimes tell you what you should do and not do… so differences are slim, in the matter of Matthew.

A disquieting revelation was given to you yesterday. Your youngest son, with a life record dotted with a number of recent blemishes adds another, serious one. Am I still interested in such a one, who, for the things of the world, moves away from decent conduct? Yes, I am. Having said that he is Mine, am I unable to influence him toward that which would make him exemplary? Not unable, just unwilling to exert My will until there is a readiness that only I can know.

I was disappointed in your initial reaction and in what you could have said to Wendy. You see, you are relatively advanced along the spiritual path, but yesterday’s reaction shows you how easy it is for you to forget the real basis of your life. You should feel ashamed, for here was a genuine, tough test of your faith and of your spiritual maturity, and your performance was near failure. Having felt that, however, use the experience as a means toward growth and greater strength.

Lenore, who, in some ways, is more spiritually advanced that you are (remember, you complement each other rather than compete) thought of and carried out the call to her Mother, My Servant Mabel. As you heard the message your doubt and wonderment vanished, and it was clear to you that I am in charge of this matter… and that the essence of your communication to Matthew must be this affirmation that this is a matter between him and Me.

Why have I spent this portion of the teaching chiding you rather than condemning Matthew? You I have chosen, you I have waited for as you have slowly developed. You I come to directly so that you know I am directly involved in your life. And still you fall away. There is little point in urging Matthew into My influence if he cannot remain and grow. Some can come directly, with relatively little need to reject Me or to indulge long in substitute pleasures. Others, like Matthew, are prodigal sons, and they must wallow in iniquity before they turn and come to Me.

SUN., MAY 30, 1982, 5:31 AM

Having heard My message through another good and true source, Mabel, you are eager, o son, to hear what I have to say to you directly. Be certain that you still understand the differences in these two communications. Through Mabel I send personal, prophetic messages that involve both attitude and action. To you I give teachings that can be of value to others as well as yourself. But, of course, I do sometimes tell you what you should do and not do… so differences are slim, in the matter of Matthew . . .

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