In The Matter Of Spirit

WED., OCT. 17, 1984, 6:04 AM

Your mind wanders and plays this morning, even as you are concerned about time. You know that you are to be here for a Teaching, and this is a well-established practice, but you still listen to the chattering of your mind when it should be quieted. Yes, you deserve this bit of admonishment this day.

In the matter of spirit you are becoming rather comfortable (and you can say this on Sunday). It shall be necessary for your colleagues who aspire to and even profess to recognize an holistic perspective on health to speak and write of spirit as a dimension… often enough so that it becomes comfortable. Those who are Christian shall have less trouble with the reality of the concept, but may be plagued with the urge to keep this in the strictly personal realm and not in the professional concept of health.

Those who are not Christian because they have rejected Me, quietly or vigorously, shall struggle with the spirit concept, because they shall not want it to have even a tinge of religion and yet My Spirit is still calling them to return, and they resist. You know this… that when any person acknowledges spirit, even in a supposedly non-religious way, that person opens self to My invitation. To say it would cause some to turn away. So just know the truth and let it “work”, as it should.

It is obvious to you that there is a spirit in those young people whose education and training for professional service was at S.I.U.-C that is obvious and unique. Yet it must be nurtured, and this letter you shall write will help with that. I also offered you the idea (and, yes, sometimes your thoughts are My thoughts) of a Saluki Spirit Session at future conventions. It would be well to start with a group here, of course, and eventually you shall do that, but plan for the initial session in Atlanta… but Anaheim is an even earlier possibility. Go prepared, and make it happen if you can.

The spirit in your classes is developing nicely. Keep this as a conscious goal and do not neglect to take opportunities and to create such that will nurture spirit… even make them aware of this active facet of health.

Spirit is the main energizing element in much of positive human action. Spirit is a major component of a sense of purpose – in life or in shorter term tasks. A strong, conscious sense of purpose tends to produce positive effects, and these, in turn, encourage more action and, hence, more growth of spirit. Spirit grows in being exercised, in innumerable ways. Be slow in limiting the ways in which spirit can be nurtured, strengthened, and increased.

I do hesitate to offer you more opportunities for service, for you are close to your limit now, but I must say again how important letters are in developing and expressing spirit. Just balance your other tasks with letters, long and short… expected and unexpected. Make more positive than negative observations, remembering that My role for you is one of emphasizing the positive features of life here in the earth. Your note to Kris should be one of encouragement, for she missed the convention comraderie, and she needs this recharging. I say again that she is a unique and valuable off-shoot of you (in spiritual perspective), and I do bless and oversee what she does, in relation to spirit. She knows this directly, but it helps to have a confirmation through you.

WED., OCT. 17, 1984, 6:04 AM

Your mind wanders and plays this morning, even as you are concerned about time. You know that you are to be here for a Teaching, and this is a well-established practice, but you still listen to the chattering of your mind when it should be quieted. Yes, you deserve this bit of admonishment this day.

In the matter of spirit you are becoming rather comfortable (and you can say this on Sunday). It shall be necessary for your colleagues who aspire to and even profess to recognize an holistic perspective . . .

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