In The Midst Of A City, II

MON., OCT. 31, 1994, 8:43 AM

This was the title I gave you some years ago as you were in this city. You wrote in a park, with traffic all around, and the buildings rising up around that little oasis. You are here again, in a comfortable place in a rather posh hotel, awaiting the beginning of this large meeting. The theme is one I have repeatedly used in Teachings – the concept of diversity. Your culture is a diverse one, and equity is difficult to achieve… and to maintain.

Diversity almost always spawns competition, with groups vying in different ways with one another. Groups need leadership, and so individuals compete for the honor and the toil of leading. There is never enough of all that is desired, and many groups, consciously or unconsciously, are not satisfied with just “their fair share.” This hotel, in the midst of this city, is only for those with money resources, and not even for most Americans… and certainly not for most humans. Those who work here are part of the diversity of this city, and for them this is not a place to stay and enjoy, but a place to work so that they may live… somewhere… much less elegant.

How do I, the Holy Spirit, feel about this diversity and the inequity it typically produces? Well, you must know the heart of My answer by now, even as it will not be the one you hear expressed as you hear leaders today speaking to this theme. While I love diversity My major interest… even My only interest… is in the quality of spirit in individuals and how this spirit is expressed. I am most pleased, naturally, with those who come to Me as the Triune God, even if the expressions of relationship are oh, so diverse. Yet I can discern spirit in many forms and ways, and even some who deny or ignore Me are blessed by Me for their spiritual leanings. As you respond to Alice you can assure her that I am very aware of her and appreciate many of her expressions of spirit… the letter to you being one tangible example.

I am little concerned with equity in medical care. Your system is so complex, so colored with selfishness, secularity, and disregard for diversity in treatment that I am officially and virtually excluded. I have concerns for people who are ill and in pain, and I appreciate that some medical care does provide relief and a better environment for recovery. I work with some medical and health personnel who provide services as a mission for Me. I help in certain healing processes, but this is not My major task here in the earth. As Jesus I did some healing, some of it rather spectacular, but this was a minor facet of My ministry. I had great powers of healing, but I used them sparingly, because My interest was in spirit rather than in bodies, healthy or unhealthy. Remember My selection of Paul, for a special task, and My unwillingness to heal him, even him.

Yes, o son, you shall reunderstand this as you move on out of this earth life. The conditions in this earth realm are all “designed” to make for growth of spirit, but with the alternative, also, of allowing spirit to diminish. My interest in conditions of health and ill-health, of equity and inequity, is in what this reveals about and how it encourages the growth of spirit.

MON., OCT. 31, 1994, 8:43 AM

This was the title I gave you some years ago as you were in this city. You wrote in a park, with traffic all around, and the buildings rising up around that little oasis. You are here again, in a comfortable place in a rather posh hotel, awaiting the beginning of this large meeting. The theme is one I have repeatedly used in Teachings – the concept of diversity. Your culture is a diverse one, and equity is difficult to achieve… and to maintain.

Diversity almost always . . .

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