In The Midst Of “A Week”

TUES., MAY 1, 2001, 8:02 PM

You have given yourself till the end of next Monday to have this study in trim shape and have the “outside chores” accomplished. It does not seem to be going as smoothly as you hoped, and you wonder if you shall ever be “organized” again… even as you were in your career. You know that your body… and particularly certain parts of it… doesn’t function as well and without pain and discomfort. You have accepted certain obvious losses, but you are not completely pleased with what “now is.”

This desk and this study are in terrible shape, and you know what you have to do, to restore this place to “My satisfaction.” Oh, I’m not just a neatnik, but I do know what distracts you from your best service to Me. And remember that I regularly and constantly remind you that these few hours with Me each week are of importance to Me.

Why? Oh, you are not some specially chosen servant, responsible for serving Me in some crucial way. You had a fine career, both teaching and showing (in your being) that education was quite a worthy occupation/profession. I guided you in the last 2/3 of your time here, and let you know that I had chosen you to hear Me and to write these Teachings… for… the discipline and PLEASURE of doing it. It is not important to you how I might use these after your spirit leaves what has been Bob Russell in this era. Your task is just to leave them for whatever use I may have for them, with John Patrick as another servant of Mine who may help.

It is troublesome to you to be unable (or so it seems) to maintain an uncluttered (or less cluttered) domain to share with Me. So I do approve of your attempt to remedy this by the beginning of next week.

You were disappointed in the meeting that was supposed to deal with spirituality, last evening at St. Andrews. There was some variety in how each of the speakers described their experiences with the spiritual, but each seemed to “fall short” of telling about personal spiritual experiences. You envisioned yourself as a panel member, with an opportunity to tell of Our relationship and of how these Teachings are a quite tangible evidence of continuing relationship with Me, one of the Three BEST educators of the spirits of humans. Perhaps you shall someday have such an opportunity. Until then… just keep listening, hearing and writing.

You would like to be “known” for this, that We do together, but you’re not yet willing to claim what I tell you “is true.” How many Teachings must you have? Will 4,000 urge you to some more boldness? Perhaps We shall make that… and then We’ll see.

The healing of your feet continues, and you’re working to regain a better condition for your total body. That shall take some time, in balance with the diminishing of discomfort in your lower extremities. I’m satisfied with your progress, and you should be, too.

You still have over a month to move from your small office, and I’ll help you in deciding how you should do this best. Hence, you, in this week, are in the midst of an even more abrupt change than the move from your larger office, several years ago. The actual moving is not immediate, but there must be some planning and plenty of decisions about what is “most important.”

And, I’ll remind you again, you are now closer to true retirement than you have been in these last 3 or 4 years. These have been good times, but the years ahead, however many… or few… they may be, have great potential to be a fine closure on this life. I assure you that you have done this “before,” and I shall be helping you to make this “transition” better than ones before.

Today you “interacted” with a young one, your first great granddaughter, whose Mother was your first grandchild. It is “strange” to consider that you are a great grandfather, with 3 generations, from you, in the panorama of human life.

TUES., MAY 1, 2001, 8:02 PM

You have given yourself till the end of next Monday to have this study in trim shape and have the “outside chores” accomplished. It does not seem to be going as smoothly as you hoped, and you wonder if you shall ever be “organized” again… even as you were in your career. You know that your body… and particularly certain parts of it… doesn’t function as well and without pain and discomfort. You have accepted certain obvious losses, but you are not completely pleased with what “now is.”

This desk . . .

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