In The Midst Of Time

TUES., OCT. 25, 1983, 9:33 AM

You set Me as your highest priority in this morning’s session of self imposed tasks. That is good, o son, for, as I have taught you in the “past”, so I am here to teach you “now”… and shall be so “in the future”. The quotation marks are just a brief reminder that this time in which you function is not ultimate reality, and I function in it only to assist you and other humans in understanding. You are in the midst of time but I Am… what I have done I now do, and what I shall do I now do, and what I do now I have done and will do. All “at once”.

In the midst of time there are many tasks to do. In the midst of time there is the threat of being late… of not using time wisely. To one of conscience these can be stressors, the effects of which can be harmful, even crippling. Hear again My comforting message: if you miss an opportunity because of some alternative use of time (valuable, hopefully) the opportunity will most likely come again, if it is an important one for you. Keep this as an everpresent perspective.

You read, this morning, that I advised that you do three issues of Ruminations this year, and you know that you shall barely issue two. I accept that, but am disappointed. I just say again that this is a valuable contribution that I want you to make. As another year approaches you have the opportunity of reaching that “three goal”, on the way to four.

Time given to these Teachings, in recording them and in rereading them… and in developing them into a ruminating format… is NEVER wasted. This is most true from a spiritual and timeless perspective. Knowing Me and My ways is of value quite beyond this timespan in the earth. AND, because of the nature of your professional field and the areas that now command your interest, many of these Teachings offer insights valuable for your teaching and your professional writing. After this sabbatical year you shall return to your church and resume your class, and you shall have much provocative material from which to choose.

This day is in the midst of time. You shall write, and you shall make judgments. You shall travel, and you shall reminisce. Others in the midst of this same time shall experience great success and joy; others will experience sorrow and regret. Some shall die; others shall be born. The rhythm of life overall is not wild and dramatic. Many shall grow spiritually, and this is timeless progress.

From this perspective what you shall do later in this week is of little spiritual value. The time and the process are not sufficient to accomplish anything of much value, and these objectives shall be of no lasting consequence. So be aware of and appreciate relationships, incidents, and encounters that make this a worthy “use of time”. Without this perspective you could easily miss such. Now you are alerted. In the midst of time… profit.

You have no great concern about the length of your “life”, and this is wisdom. Live, on the one hand, as if you will live interminably, and on the other (with equal verve) as if the transition is imminent. Your resentment of Lenore’s phone calls, though mild, is misplaced. She does much better than you do in keeping in touch with loved ones. If you were more diligent in writing letters, the balance would be better. This week could be your last. How do you spend it? Are you being true to Me?

TUES., OCT. 25, 1983, 9:33 AM

You set Me as your highest priority in this morning’s session of self imposed tasks. That is good, o son, for, as I have taught you in the “past”, so I am here to teach you “now”… and shall be so “in the future”. The quotation marks are just a brief reminder that this time in which you function is not ultimate reality, and I function in it only to assist you and other humans in understanding. You are in the midst of time but I Am… what . . .

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