In The Midst Of Winter

WED., JAN. 19, 1994, 7:00 AM

Here, in this place, in the midst of winter you are experiencing some hardships. There can be hardships in any season, and you have seen, through TV news, that some in a warm, mild time of winter are suffering because of a quaking of the earth. I shall reiterate what I said two days ago… you really are blessed with everything you need… you just lack the luxury of running hot and cold water. Thus, for a short spell you are experiencing what many humans on this earth have as an everyday chore: go get the water, carry it home, and be very careful in use of it.

I have made a perfect world, by definition. This earth is an ideal planet for human life, and humans, with God-given resourcefulness, have made more portions of the land liveable than would be under strictly “natural” conditions. I approve of this, but I also have allowed more procreation than is wise for this non-expandable human home.

This results in greater inequality, for humans come forth incarnated with some variety of intelligence and physical soundness. The strong must take care of the weak… this is a prime spiritual principle. The non-spiritual, but often dominant, principle, too often, is that those who have get more, and want more, and give only pittance alms to the poor, the less fortunate.

Winter is a time, in climates such as yours, and the more severe, that these inequalities are often most evident. I can’t do much about this, save through influencing individual lives, directly and through religions. I do have more direct ways of influencing, however, “on this side.” When souls come on over after an earth life there are penalties for having lived too ostentatiously here on earth. And some of the poor are experiencing such “penalties.”

I still call on you to enjoy this “resting season”. You look out upon a beautiful landscape, one quite different from the same scene in spring and summer. Yet by next week this blanket of white shall probably be gone, and there will be “another look” to enjoy. Do the winter chores with a happy heart, for these are also part of your life. You have no itches, no ticks, no need to attend plants… Last evening was one of rest… nothing accomplished. These are part of a time of winter. Enjoy and “profit” from them.

Then I push you, just a bit, to get both of your desks clean, and the Teachings from Me in better order. You should write to Evalyn, sending her a copy of that Teaching and a couple of Ruminations. She will not accept them readily, but she is searching for some new “identity” and these may help. I reach toward her, as the Holy Spirit, in Whom she doesn’t believe (or so she says), but she has to reach back. She is closer to being ready than in most of her life, thus far.

You also feel bad that you haven’t written to your parents in too long a time. You have thought about making a tape instead of writing and I approve of this idea. They may be able to hear better than they can see. Give it a try and see how they like it.

Speaking of tapes you also could use this time of “resting” (for you shall have no papers or tests to grade for several weeks) to tape a couple of Our Ruminations for Dorothy. As the one who appreciates these Teachings more than anyone else in the church, she should not be left out when you accomplish each of these. And your reading of them would be better than that of someone else.

WED., JAN. 19, 1994, 7:00 AM

Here, in this place, in the midst of winter you are experiencing some hardships. There can be hardships in any season, and you have seen, through TV news, that some in a warm, mild time of winter are suffering because of a quaking of the earth. I shall reiterate what I said two days ago… you really are blessed with everything you need… you just lack the luxury of running hot and cold water. Thus, for a short spell you are experiencing what many humans on this earth have as an . . .

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