In The Mist

WED., FEB. 22, 1989, 6:50 AM

Isn’t it fun to commence with a title that has no clear referent? You even saw the words in a greenish mist, which is stranger than usual. Now you just must await, in patience, My revealing of this theme. Hear, o son.

Now hear this… earth life ends in a mist. You have no clear picture of what the dying process and the transition time will be like. In one sense this is of no consequence for, quite probably, it is some years off, and life for you now is quite clear… not very misty at all. In another sense, however, it is good to anticipate and to have expectations. Both mind and spirit joy in expectations. Living one day at a time has some merits, and it is good therapy for some lacking in essential controls, and yet it can be like walking one step at a time, with your eyes fixed only on the path and only on that one step ahead. You know the wonderful alternative. Lift your eyes unto the hills and the heavens. Give as little attention to the stony, winding path as possible as you are filled with the beauty and wonder of what is on each side and what lies ahead.

But then there is mist. Mist, too, can be beautiful. Days of blue skies and clearness of everything in sight can be matched by the intrigue of mistiness and a blurring of detail. In all honesty, do you have other than a misty picture of the end of life? Oh, you can envision an ideal ending, but there, in the mist, are other possibilities, many not so idyllic.

The end of earth life may be a time when you have lost control. With the bodily deterioration that can come with aging there is much pressure, in your culture, to become a medical patient. In order to postpone death and alleviate pain you can become one who has lost control, which creates a mist around the dying process. Some appreciate those moments of earth life gained by these measures, but many do not. I say, avoid this kind of mist if you can. Opt for the more natural mists of returning to where you have been, yet without remembrance.

Mist is different from fog or darkness. These latter obscure vision and make the journey rather scary. Mist just softens things and gives the journey a certain eerie beauty. Anticipate the mist and see it as good.

The brightness of the light with which I shall greet you will be accented by the mist of passage. Yes, you shall see an incredible light, and you shall be lighted by it, but it shall be from out of the mist. And what comes next? Ah, it must remain in the mist, but just know that the future is one of loving judgement and of help in moving further along your spiritual path back to union with Me.

Even your present earthly path is shrouded intriguingly in the mist. You can envision a logical, expected progression along a comfortable, familiar path of teaching, service, and some writing and of living out your active, vigorous days here on this Farm. And then in the mist is a time of earthquake, a time of financial depression, a time of reorientation for virtually all of the institutions of the earth. There is the mist of financial need, of unexpected departure from healthy functioning.

But also in the mist are unexpected opportunities, unexpected riches, unexpected honors. Could you deal with these, in reality, as you could with those that test your spiritual strength? Can you see all that may lie in the mist as blessings from Me? Can you love the misty quality of the adventure that is life? Can your spirit grow in the mist just as it does in the brightness of sunshine?

The sun does shine forth to burn away the mist. The wind blows, and the mist moves on. And still it returns… and is… a significant aspect of reality.

WED., FEB. 22, 1989, 6:50 AM

Isn’t it fun to commence with a title that has no clear referent? You even saw the words in a greenish mist, which is stranger than usual. Now you just must await, in patience, My revealing of this theme. Hear, o son.

Now hear this… earth life ends in a mist. You have no clear picture of what the dying process and the transition time will be like. In one sense this is of no consequence for, quite probably, it is some years off, and life for you now is . . .

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