In The Valley… Fear No Evil

WED., MAR. 30, 1994, 9:03 AM

This morning’s discussion time focused on that familiar 23rd psalm, a composition of David’s, reflecting his complete trust in Me. Other psalms of his tell you that this utter trust and positive feeling was not everpresent with him. But on “this day”… Yes! You have known the words to this from your youth, but let Me help you see how it applies to you in your present situation. If it were your psalm, what would it represent?

You don’t have any trouble with the shepherd image. I am One who is responsible for you and Who watches over you. Because of Me you shall not want. As the shepherd provides green grass and still, cool water, so I see that you have the means for a sound, simple life, with some extra funds to give away or loan and to help causes in which we have mutual interest. You believe this, but your trust in My mystical capacities does vary considerably.

I restore your soul. For several reasons your soul does pull away from Me. These Teachings are a supreme way in which I restore this soul of yours to a close relationship. Oh, I have other ways, but this one works so well I use it often. There is a way in which your soul is being drawn away from Me by these medical situations, particularly this back and leg and foot problem. You know full well that the orthodox medical model gives no credence to Me as a healer, and solutions seem to be only surgical. Whether you elect to have surgery, when, and with whom is not of much importance to Me. What is important is that you include Me in whatever you do. If surgery, pray for, and assume that I will be involved in the whole process, for I am critical to healing, no matter what is done or not done. If you don’t have surgery now still seek My healing help, and don’t assume I can do nothing about physical conditions. Seldom am I spectacular, but I affect positive changes more often than you would expect. (Matthew 10:10) Whatever you do your soul must be involved fully.

(Note, of course, that I have told you that in your present life as Bob Russell you have a spirit, which, originally, was a part of Me and, finally, will return to Me. This spirit is the unifying dimension of your health… that which achieves the best harmony with your body, mind, emotions, and social self. Your soul is the cumulative spirit, the accumulation of spiritual experiences you have had in other lives and realms. The soul is a kind of “consultant” to your spirit. A mature spirit is always in close communication with your soul, but a highly developed soul is not going to try to “take over” from your present spirit. If this relationship is not perfectly clear, just know that it is in the mystical realm and cannot be fully and accurately described with words.)

Your good and long conversation with Matthew was heartening. If you’ll refer back to the second paragraph and the second line of the psalm you hear that because of My care you shall not want. You haven’t thought much about the expense of the medical diagnosis and treatment thus far, nor of the expenses of surgery, but I want you to know that as Matthew pledges to take care of expenses you can’t, there am I, in partnership with him. I can have him help you in this way… you are assisted and so is he… and he comes a bit closer to Me.

As you think about walking into the valley of the shadow you equate this with the surgery you might elect. It is appropriate, then, that you needn’t fear the evil, but it is appropriate to fear the good. This means that surgery is, basically, a good, but you still might fear what ill effects this good procedure could produce.

And yet, again, I say I am with you, protecting you. There are operating room equivalents to a “rod” and a “staff,” means that I can use to assure the best results for you. These Teachings are an example of the table I prepare for you… spiritual food. Symbolically I have anointed you, and I continue to anoint you. Your cup of blessing is overflowing much of the time. Continue to keep the perspective that these departures from normality with which you struggle are minor when compared to your blessings.

Keep ever in your mind and spirit that your wife and your sons are blessings that surpass any problems they seem to cause or be associated with. Matthew is that 5th son who still doesn’t come close, but is ever closer. He is almost ready, and you, and these Teachings, shall be important to his “acceptance.”

10:42 AM