In Time Of Trouble

JANUARY 17, 1980, 5:29 AM

Here you are again, o son, ready to listen and learn from Me, the Spirit. You have been very independent of late. You clearly haven’t needed Me. Then, In Time of Trouble you know it is time to return. It has been so with most of you souls. You are not the first, certainly, to reject My counsel when “things are going well”. But… I am not overly concerned with means, in this case. You are here, and We can talk in this time of your trouble.

You are improving. As you were sinking low in your feeling you thought not just of what you would do to remedy the situation, but also of seeking My Counsel. And it just occurred to you this morning (as you awoke just on time) that I might be using this as a means of having you return. I shall not say. You are here, not grudgingly or because of some mossy commitment, but because you want to be. This is as it should be.

I was with you, though not interfering, as you considered this troublesome evaluation. You are still a strange combination of absolute commitment and free independent spirit. You took this, initially, as free, uncommitted you… it was your fault… you had failed. Your mind and spirit did not consider that if you are committed to Me and that if you are truly praying that I shall direct you, then, in fact, I shall and I do, so that whatever happens is partly My responsibility. You did not do this just by yourself. If you had more maturity in your walk with Me you would have smiled and said, “Thank you, Lord” for this evidence of partnership. Then you should be curious and in search of what the purpose of it is. What are you to learn from it? You shall see.

You wonder, genuinely, at how this could have happened. The results do not seem to fit what you know about so many of the souls in that group. Perhaps you shall find out. Or perhaps it shall just be a sign… time for new direction. Yet you feel that you are taking this new direction… without appreciation.

Was My work as Jesus always applauded? Were Paul’s evaluations always high? Is there merit in being degraded? You know the answer. While it is important that learners feel good about the experiences they have it is also important that they learn. And of this you have evidence. They developed functional, working knowledge of the important concepts under your direction. Of this you have evidence. Feel comfort in this.

But the experience is a sign. That teaching that I sent to you way back in your graduate school days via Ramdas is still truth – whenever there is anything of notice – lovely or ugly, fun or sad – ANYTHING – see it as an evidence of Me and of My presence with you. Those who are unenlightened (and this is still you, in part) see this as rationalization or a Pollyanna view of life. “You are not facing up to reality”. Just know that I am ultimate reality. When all the little successes and failures of this life are put into perspective you will still be developing your relationship with Me. Seek ye first, My kingdom… and know that no one has done this with complete approbation. The crowds do not always cheer. There are ways you can improve. Be aware of the many meanings this trouble may have. Appreciate what you have done wrong, but also what has been right. As you are with Me, so can you be with yourself. As you are with yourself, so can you be with others.

Know ye that I purpose for you. I would have you be what I want you to be. If you are doing and being this then evidences of trouble, if they are genuine (and I still shall not say!), apply to Me as they do to you. Continue in the direction I am indicating. Reduce your commitments to that which does not apply. Follow My leading.

When credit comes, know I am involved. When discredit comes, know I am involved. You shall prosper, but not without certain failures and disappointments. In time of trouble seek My counsel. In time of happiness, seek My counsel. The bothersome time is when you just don’t feel the need.

This should be a better day. Feel Hallelujah in your spirit.

So be it
6:40 AM