
SAT., JULY 4, 1987, 5:42 AM

The midsummer holiday which your culture celebrates today is one that remembers and honors independence. Historically this was a day of declaring independence for a small group of colonists from a powerful monarchy. A war was then necessary, the winning of which left you an independent nation, which you remain today, politically. In the economic realm there is much interdependence and dependence, however. So hear, o son, of independence, its values and its limitations.

As you know, I put limited value on independence. In the realm of spirit a state of complete independence would be that from which you develop, rather than it being a desirable goal. Spiritual maturity means dependence on Me… a voluntary giving up of attempts to develop independently and an acceptance of My direction. Finally, there is a giving up of individuality, just as I did, symbolically as Jesus, in order to become part of Me. And this is perfect independence.

Thus, in giving up your individual independence you achieve union with “Us” who are independent of all other forces. True, but not true. Because of My concern for the earth and for even individual humans I, as Almighty God, do give you relative independence and hence become dependent upon your willingness to give yourself to Me. I wait and wait for some to come.

But, yes, I did call you in a forceful way to this service in which you are now engaged. I do lean on you at times, but more often I let you function independently, knowing that you could be more effective if you listened more to Me. In this present instance I am using an incident which you “manufactured” quite independently. Because you were not happy with the result I used this flow of conscience to call for a commitment, to which you have responded. This is now more interdependence. You acted independently to become more dependent on Me. This I like.

Your nation wants independence, but also affluence. In the world of this day these are not compatible. You must give up independence in order to obtain materials from other nations necessary for the continuation and expansion of nations, which could prevent that war which would devastate the planet. What a foolish exercise of independence that would be!

Still, as I have told you many times, I am not displeased with the general ways of the earth and its peoples. The numbers of people mean that the earth must suffer, and this suffering soon affects some people, who then must suffer. I have considered alternative ways of dealing with earth life, and I have tried other ways “in history,” and find this present approach as good as any other.

SAT., JULY 4, 1987, 5:42 AM

The midsummer holiday which your culture celebrates today is one that remembers and honors independence. Historically this was a day of declaring independence for a small group of colonists from a powerful monarchy. A war was then necessary, the winning of which left you an independent nation, which you remain today, politically. In the economic realm there is much interdependence and dependence, however. So hear, o son, of independence, its values and its limitations.

As you know, I put limited value on independence. In the realm of spirit a state of . . .

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