
SUN., JULY 4, 1993, 6:21 AM

This is one of your culture’s “own” important holidays… the 4th of July… Independence Day… the holiday of the summer season. In your culture independence is highly valued, both personally and nationally. Yet My invitation to you is that you be dependent on Me. Is this a mighty conflict or a glorious example of both/and perspective. (I must use colorful words on this day!)

Actually it even is some of both of what I just proposed. There is some conflict between My desire for you to be dependent on Me, which I see as a sharing of My strength, and your drive to be an independent person. I give you strengths you could not otherwise realize, and these make you a better servant of Mine. I provide for you financially, in ways you seldom realize, in order that you can exercise your energies for Me and for causes I value. Your natural tendency is to assume that what happens to you financially is of your own making. I tell you that I am a magnificent partner of yours, even in this realm.

You are beginning to accept that I affect your thinking, even in matters that have little spiritual “content”. In those areas that we have mutual interest… environment, for example… it is increasingly difficult for you to identify thoughts that are purely yours, as against ones in which My influence is evident. I certainly have an effect on your perceptions of matters spiritual. For example, when you are conducting your classes in ways that build and enhance spirit you must increasingly know that I am guiding you. You are not strictly independent in how you function in such situations.

I’ll repeat now what I told you early in our active relationship and repeatedly over these years. You are stronger and more effective when you avail yourself of My help than when you “do it alone.” I want you to be strong and effective, and that’s why I help.

As you consider your life situation you see that you are an employee of the State, with little power to determine what you shall earn. If legislators decide their constituents do not want a raise in taxes your income does not increase. You are not an independent businessman, as your son Michael is, where working harder can produce more income. Yet you served your time in the lower ranks, and now you are paid well, for “work” that you enjoy and that can call attention to this spiritual dimension in life.

You are not an administrator who can manipulate and make monies and power work for your benefit. You have little power in your work setting, and still you are content with life “as it is”… as you should be.

So you see, don’t you, that this dependence on Me that I encourage produces that most desirable state… which is interdependence. In some ways you are independent and in other ways dependent on Me, and this produces this ideal condition, a both/and life. You are body, mind, and spirit. Here in the earth body and mind tend to dominate, but when they are influenced and unified by spirit the result is most pleasing to Me.

Your country, for all of its bragaddosio and celebration of independence, is also quite interdependent. Your country’s financial health is dependent on faith much more than on solid economics. The government could not function in the ways that it desires without sources from which to borrow more money. Yet all of these sources are dependent, in some ways, upon government.

SUN., JULY 4, 1993, 6:21 AM

This is one of your culture’s “own” important holidays… the 4th of July… Independence Day… the holiday of the summer season. In your culture independence is highly valued, both personally and nationally. Yet My invitation to you is that you be dependent on Me. Is this a mighty conflict or a glorious example of both/and perspective. (I must use colorful words on this day!)

Actually it even is some of both of what I just proposed. There is some conflict between My desire for you to be dependent on . . .

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