
MON., JULY 5, 1999, 2:20 PM

Yesterday was Independence Day in your country, and because it fell on a Sunday this year, this is a holiday, today. It is a hot summer day, but with enough natural breeze to counter, somewhat, the heat. Your Study is still a mess, so you come down to this pleasant addition to your Farmhouse, built by yours sons, 4, over 7 years ago.

My title, you see, is Independence, for I need to remind you, from time to time, how that still is a value in your life, but also one that must be “shared” with Me, Holy Spirit. You are still a relatively independent person. You had that capacity and desire during your professional life, so I guided you in the direction you wanted to go and you became a tenured, full professor, with quite a lot of independence. For your “daily bread” you are dependent on the SURS, but virtually everyone is dependent upon some “institution” for the means to live life as seems desirable.

You and Lenore have a nicely balanced relationship, one of interdependence. You each have some dependence on the other, as well as being independent each in your own ways. This is quite pleasant for both of you, and you both hope it will continue. Yet you also both realize that you each are losing some capacities, which shall increase your dependence… or diminish your independence. It is difficult and almost expected that as you are on into your 70’s such losses will increase, and independence will be “less easy.”

You have liked your Mother-in-law, Mabel, during the years you have known her (now close to 50), and you realize that she is the last of the generation of parents, related to you. You and Lenore are the “next generation” of parents to age, and Mabel, for all that she has done for Me in ministering to people, is a “scary representation” of how you could be, in but a few years, if you should live on into your 80’s… even 90’s. It is not a “hoped-for picture.”

And then I’ll say that I have offered you, and you have accepted, a dependence on Me, through these Teachings. I do want you to be dependent on these Teachings as your guide through the rest of this earth life and on into the life beyond, which shall be familiar, again, and also one of dependence.

You see (and I challenge you to check this out) that I have given you Teachings in years gone by around this American holiday… and how your independence and My desire to have you dependent on Me do work together rather well in this portion of your earth life. Even though you still find it hard to admit, this dependence on Me is fun and quite worthwhile. You have no thoughts about giving this up… and certainly not to “reclaim your independence.” What a silly idea!

Your nation fought for its independence… and won, those many years ago. It is almost impossible to imagine still being a part of Great Britain… or being a continent of small nations, like unto Europe. You became, and have remained, the United States of America, trading real independence of states or regions for the power that can come from being United. And yet you have fought subsequent wars to prevent similar “unitings,” because it hasn’t seemed that these would be the best for you. My, My, human governmental perceptions and decisions are not always productive of what is initially desired.

MON., JULY 5, 1999, 2:20 PM

Yesterday was Independence Day in your country, and because it fell on a Sunday this year, this is a holiday, today. It is a hot summer day, but with enough natural breeze to counter, somewhat, the heat. Your Study is still a mess, so you come down to this pleasant addition to your Farmhouse, built by yours sons, 4, over 7 years ago.

My title, you see, is Independence, for I need to remind you, from time to time, how that still is a value in your life, but also one . . .

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