
SAT., JAN. 7, 1984, 6:25 AM

One of the greatest aspects of life, here in the earth and elsewhere, is influence. One of the major values of any life is in the influence it can have in the lives of others. In this sense, no person is an island… no one stands alone. Because everyone will be influenced and each will be modified in thought and action by the influence of others.

The quantity of influence comes first from proximity and exposure. You can have more influence on your two grandchildren here than on the two in California. You could have more on these here if they were with you more often… or if you spent more time with them when they are an active part of your life. Personal presence is likely to generate the most influence, but communication of any kind also has potential influential power. Letters that you write, pictures that you take and send, gifts that you give… these are examples of influence which are less than personal, but important.

Then there is the quality of influence. This is not as easy to describe, for quality cannot really be quantified. This quality comes from your efforts to be influential (up to a point, of course… then efforts to accomplish can be counterproductive), from the nature of the activity, and from the receptivity of others.

Let’s consider My influence as an example. I do have influence in this earth, for spirit influences spirit, and Mine is the supreme Spirit of all. The quantity of My influence will vary; it is not the same for all persons, even in intent. I concentrate more on certain individuals and groups… but… I also am very aware of all others, and when one sincerely turns and seeks Me (mainly due to the influence of another or others) I always am willing to be influential.

Now back to quality… yes, My efforts with certain souls are greater than with others. You are a beneficiary of this aspect of My nature, for you would not have achieved the spiritual growth that you have if I had not taken the initiative and pulled you into My influence. You had to respond, however. You have responded well, while others to whom I have offered a comparable possible relationship have turned Me down or wandered away after some initial enthusiasm. You like My influence, though you have one major ambivalence – you like and respond well to most of what I tell you, but sometimes you wish I were more orthodox and didn’t give you truths hard to share with most “fundamental” Christians. Sorry about that, but such is My approach with you. You can handle it, I know.

The third factor in influence is the nature of the activity. You know that the way I have chosen to influence you – these written Teachings – is a very effective activity. I speak, and you write. You type them so that each covers one page, and then copies can be made for many purposes. You can share these much more easily and effectively than you could a pure spiritual meditation. Do you think I would have as much influence as I have if there were not written Scriptures?

SAT., JAN. 7, 1984, 6:25 AM

One of the greatest aspects of life, here in the earth and elsewhere, is influence. One of the major values of any life is in the influence it can have in the lives of others. In this sense, no person is an island… no one stands alone. Because everyone will be influenced and each will be modified in thought and action by the influence of others.

The quantity of influence comes first from proximity and exposure. You can have more influence on your two grandchildren here than on the two in . . .

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