
TUES., DEC. 27, 1994, 3:07 PM

This is a strange, unexpected day in your life. Yesterday your old car rolled flawlessly from your first son’s home to, presumably, your Farm. But there was a dramatic intervention by your third son, for you were about to stumble in, prematurely, on a surprise present. So you have been with this family all day… and as there was this “break in the action” you heard Me calling for a Teaching. You are here, in a new place, at an unusual time. Good for you.

I should call on you to finish the story called The Celestine Prophesy before you finalize this present Ruminations. I shall not. Include an expanded reference to it, but then admit that you haven’t yet finished it. The insights revealed so far do seem relevant to what We are doing together and to some of the themes I have offered to you, with some regularity.

“Insights” is a good word. In this story the implication is that some perceptive person, persons, or force had “visions” of how the earth would develop during these current two millennia… and then offered insights on how to emerge, spiritually, from the situation and circumstances of which you are a part. An insight is an “opening up” of some circumstance, so that it makes spiritual sense. The first insight from the story, as you interpret it, is that there will be an increasing number of coincidences that you should recognize as not by chance but as a way for Me to help you in the work I have set out for you. There will be people to meet and relate to, and you must be able to discern these from the others whom you’ll meet, who are of little or no consequence to this cause.

There shall be events from which insights will come… some expected, but you’ll recognize the “special nature” more than you have in the past. I shall offer you insights, and from these shall come your own unique interpretations. The fundamental insight, of course, is that life is essentially spiritual, and this should be more universally recognized, with subsequent changes in what life’s purpose is, and how life should be lived. I, the Holy Spirit, am “behind” all of this movement, but I do love diversity, so there is no single “way” that everyone must follow. I do have some “favorite” ways, but some who represent these often disappoint Me, while those who represent less inspiring truths often surprise and delight Me. (Yes, I can be surprised, minimally, and delighted. Just as you can shed real tears in the final scene of your favorite Christmas move, that you have seen for the umpteenth time, so I can feel good about what human spirits accomplish, even as I know what they will do.)

A basic physical law of this earth plane is that matter is not lost or gained, but merely transformed from one form to another or others. All matter is finally energy, and this energy just takes many diverse forms. All energy is forms of spirit, and spirit is not lost either, but is merely transformed. This is the basis for not having concerns about human deaths. Each death is a birth into another spiritual form, some of which are “improvements, others about the same as the circumstances of life here in the earth, and a few into forms and experiences that are not pleasant. These are karmic and deserved or special opportunities for spiritual growth, no matter how they might seem.

TUES., DEC. 27, 1994, 3:07 PM

This is a strange, unexpected day in your life. Yesterday your old car rolled flawlessly from your first son’s home to, presumably, your Farm. But there was a dramatic intervention by your third son, for you were about to stumble in, prematurely, on a surprise present. So you have been with this family all day… and as there was this “break in the action” you heard Me calling for a Teaching. You are here, in a new place, at an unusual time. Good for you.

I should call . . .

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