
TUES., MAY 2, 1995, 7:00 AM

A fiction writer named James, a good Scriptural name, has written a story about the revealing of insights from an ancient manuscript. You read this, and were impressed with some similarities to what I have revealed to you, on the path on which I direct you. Last evening you presented these to a class, and you’ll do so again tomorrow. So, as you would expect, here come My insights on these insights.

In general, the insights speak to a spiritual awakening in a critical mass of the world population. Now it is no more likely that there will be a melded single religion for the earth than there will be a single world government. I have created and I continue to allow and encourage diversity. In your Teachings I have referred to this development as a movement and a “wave”… awareness and appreciation of the ultimate spiritual nature of life. You are seeing this in your profession, even as it does not seem to be affecting the professional goals and the “official” concept of health. Increasingly the spiritual is included as a dimension of health, but there’s still excessive focus on physical preventive measures, tests, and ( 7:20 A / 9:18 P ) diagnoses, as if the functioning of the body were all that we need be concerned about.

Each life has many more coincidences than are generally acknowledged. In retrospect you now recognize many important coincidental happenings that weren’t evident at the time. You are becoming more aware and more appreciative of people you meet and situations that you are in… and, particularly, students and colleagues that I “send” to you, for your mutual benefit.

Then there’s energy, and I continue to tell you that spirit and energy are quite alike. So, in these terms, you can increase the spirit of another, or you can diminish spirit by what you say, do, and are. Likewise, if you are not aware (and, sometimes, even when you are) your spirit can be lessened by another or others, as they speak and act. But, fortunately, you can gain from others, as they can from you. You missed an opportunity this afternoon to finish this class with the three songs you have done in the past. These would have increased spirit even more… as the class did for most who finished it.

I’ll interpret another important insight in My own way. That is, I am a Wellspring of spirit, available to anyone who seeks Me and this “energy” of Mine. You are not limited to what you can generate personally, or in how you balance the gain and loss of energy from and to others. As you are with others who gain spiritual energy from Me, as Holy Spirit, as Jesus, or as God the Father, Almighty, there can be strong feelings of power… and of relationship that is deeper than the social situation would predict.

As life and matter are seen more and more as manifestations of energy, and as energy is seen as akin to spirit there may come a movement to be less focused on material wealth and goods and more on spiritual relationships, with fellow humans, with the earth and its myriad life forms, and with Me. This is not yet widely discernible in your culture, but it is beginning to build, and you are in the vanguard.

TUES., MAY 2, 1995, 7:00 AM

A fiction writer named James, a good Scriptural name, has written a story about the revealing of insights from an ancient manuscript. You read this, and were impressed with some similarities to what I have revealed to you, on the path on which I direct you. Last evening you presented these to a class, and you’ll do so again tomorrow. So, as you would expect, here come My insights on these insights.

In general, the insights speak to a spiritual awakening in a critical mass of the world population. Now . . .

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