Instruction In Meditation

MAY 16, 1980, 5:45 AM

You are slow this morning, o son, in seeing and hearing the theme. You awoke easily and had no trouble getting here, but now distractions fill your mind. You are not really meditating. You are not truly ready for instruction. But you are faithful, and that is crucial. Persist and you shall learn, today, more about this process.

What We do together is really two things – put together in an unusual fashion. Meditation is one – a practice in which the mind is scoured clean or in which the concentration is clearly focused upon one sound, object, or mind set. It is a discipline. It generally improves with practice. In its best and most useful form it is a listening to Me, which can only be done, presumably, when the mind is clear of other thoughts and stimuli.

Instruction is the process of teaching and learning. Instruction takes place when someone has something to teach, and another someone (or more) has a motivation to learn. It can take many forms, but it generally has some activity. It is not a simply passive process.

What We do in these times together, usually early morning hours, is both meditation and instruction. It is, truly, instruction in a time of meditation. You are not a good meditator. Your mind wanders, and your discipline in keeping other thoughts away and in concentrating on a single stimulus is variable… sometimes fairly good, but often rather poor. You have the discipline that brings you here… and that is your strength. You persist, despite inability to scour your mind of distractions. You have a long way to go in gaining value from just meditation.

Happily, however, this is also a time of instruction, originated by Me. It is My Purpose that you learn of and from Me in this special way. It is not to stand in place of other, more conventional ways. You are to read and study the Scriptures, you are to hear and ponder sermons, you are to read other commentaries upon matters spiritual, and you are to hear as others tell of their experiences with Me, My Kingdom, and the “world of spirit”. But, for you, it is the major way of regular learning. Because it suits My Purposes. That is sufficient reason.

You have the discipline to come, and you have helped build a ritual that is pleasing and useful. You want to learn, and there are many things that I may teach you. All important teachings are repeated. It is poor teaching strategy to present something only once… or with no emphasis. If you are to learn something so that you can use it and so that it becomes a part of you I must repeat it and present it in many ways and contexts.

You are finally becoming comfortable with the concept of Rhythm. You certainly did not pick that up quickly and easily. Awareness and Appreciation are other important concepts. My Spirit indwelling in you is yet another. And there shall be more.

The uniqueness of this instruction in a time of meditation is that I guide your pen while you write the teachings. In this way there is a record to which you can return and from which others can learn. You are able to hear Me, in the midst of other clutter and write My instruction. It is somewhat like your cluttered, messy desks. You can function from such disarray. And you can hear Me, even when the hearing is not ideal.

You have deep desire to learn, and I have deep desire to teach you. This is fundamental to Our success. You shall slowly improve in your meditative abilities, but the power of My Presence is necessary for success… that is, you would not hear unless My teaching is loud and persistent.

“To him much is given, of him will much be expected.” I do expect you to use these teachings in helping others to learn of Me. Continue on this path. As you travel it shall be difficult, but keep your commitment and I shall, also.

Set your priorities, for this day will go rapidly. You were wise to start it this way.

6:57 AM