
SAT., APR. 17, 1999, 6:11 AM

From time to time you “stew” about paying for insurance, of various kinds. And… you have resisted having a Teaching with this title. Why? Don’t you want to hear what I have to say about this “term,” which has both monetary and spiritual meanings? I got you up. You are here. So am I. So listen and hear.

I have little to say about businesses, here in the earth. I recognize that many of them are important to earth life, but they just aren’t of much interest to Me. In one sense, the insurance principle is spiritual, for it involves sharing. You pay in, but that for which you are covered “doesn’t happen.” It does “happen” to another policy holder, and what you have paid in goes to him. You have shared, but with an intent that is at least part selfish.

Here’s a family example. Your son Michael had paid in on life insurance, but not nearly the amount of the policy. He died, prematurely by insurance standards, and therefore Wendy receives much more than they paid in. How can this be? Because others paid premiums and did not die. It’s more complicated, of course, with investments and salaries and commissions paid to those who work in “the industry.” You’re pleased that Wendy has benefitted. You’re not as pleased when the premiums for your various forms of insurance come due.

I can’t tell you what to do about each policy. I can tell you about real insurance, from My perspective as Holy Spirit. This is not practical advice. It is more “holy wisdom.”

Many of the events in your life just “have happened”… but some have been predestined. I have told you of some of these, and of some you have been aware, “on your own.” But… all happenings have a single spiritual purpose: as a means for your spirit to grow… develop… mature OR for it to regress and be less than “it was.” This is the purpose of earth life. You knew this when you came into this one, and it will be clearer when you have finished this life. Yet you are “advanced enough,” with My special help, to be more aware of this purpose than many of your fellow humans, even fellow Christians.

You are now into the final “season” of this earth life. You have a fine place to live, with expenses that are not excessive (except, perhaps, for insurance). You have generally good health and few debts. You have no great desire to live much longer, and you do have motivations to prepare yourself, spiritually, for the return to spirit realms. This is real insurance.

You, and those in your culture, are now into the last year of this century. There is some anticipation of “upset,” even to tragedy, because of computer responses to Y2K. You truly have no clear sense of how all of this will affect you and Lenore. And, in the context of this Teaching, will the insurance policies that you now have be still in force as the year 2000 “arrives”? You assume it will all work out, but you have no way of being truly sure.

As you see the television pictures of refugees fleeing in a mob, with only what each can carry… to an unknown future… you should feel the blessing that is your life. In contrast to these folks your concerns about the future and for what you should be insured seem minor, now don’t they!?

What is real insurance? Faith in Me, your Triune God, and the willingness to hear me as I guide you in this elderly season. AND the spiritual wisdom to see that all life events are finally about spirit, for spirit is the ultimate reality.

SAT., APR. 17, 1999, 6:11 AM

From time to time you “stew” about paying for insurance, of various kinds. And… you have resisted having a Teaching with this title. Why? Don’t you want to hear what I have to say about this “term,” which has both monetary and spiritual meanings? I got you up. You are here. So am I. So listen and hear.

I have little to say about businesses, here in the earth. I recognize that many of them are important to earth life, but they just aren’t of much interest to Me . . .

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