Into Old Age

SAT., APR. 20, 1991, 7:04 AM

You are here with a group of young people, some younger than your youngest son. While you enjoy the experience of being with such youth you also increasingly notice the differences between your views and experiences and theirs. This, you see, is one of the signs of advancing age. Yesterday you considered the thought that while you got older the students you encounter stay relatively the same. This both keeps you young and emphasizes your advancing age.

In terms of vigor and physical capacity you recognize that you are a bit diminished, but you can still keep up with most of these youth. You have not the restricted movement of many who are your age or older, even as you feel your agility ebbing. Maintain your active lifestyle as long as possible, for this is partly responsible for your physical capacities.

Socially you are not a peer to these folks you are with. They are students or young faculty and you are clearly one of the seniors. Be available to participate with them, but continue to do as your spirit guides in relation to actual participation. Let them invite, and you decide what to accept. It is not your place to initiate social action. You are the “outsider”… the authority… the “senior.” Do not denigrate this position by behavior that is too assertive. It is good to be an active participant, but let them determine how you should be. Let this be one of the pleasures of elderly status. Go with the flow!

Spiritually you are developing well. There is no need to regret not having started this development earlier. Your early life, though less apparently spiritual, was a good base for your present, developing self. You had no great conflicts, you had no rejection of Me, and no bad habits to rue. You did not resist My leading, even as you did not respond eagerly as I first began My active guidance of your life. When I came to you more dramatically you responded well, and you continue to grow and serve rather well.

You know that spiritually you are beyond many… even most… of these young people. Yet a few may truly be moving faster than you did at their age… perhaps even are older souls than you. Discern as you can. Share. Even learn. Do not be shy about expressing your spiritual understandings, but also do not be overly assertive. (I’m not worried about this… really). Let your spirit guide, for spirits link with spirits and know what relationship are proper.

Enjoy this movement into old age. Give some thought to the future, but appreciate fully the now of this seventh decade of your life. You are still privileged to teach, and you don’t have new preparations to make. You can be creative. You can exhibit and talk about spirit as an active part of your life. Though you still feel the pressures of your profession, you know that you need not respond to them. You can lead your life just about as you want to, for one of My motivations for you has been internalized. You are not selfish, and you do want to serve others, as a way of serving Me.

Retirement is still a distant part of the future. Financial health has been assured for this year. There is no need for you to be concerned about the next year… or beyond. Hear again that I shall provide, in mostly quite natural ways. Your response… or your part, as a partner… is to give of yourself as I direct and as opportunities arise.

SAT., APR. 20, 1991, 7:04 AM

You are here with a group of young people, some younger than your youngest son. While you enjoy the experience of being with such youth you also increasingly notice the differences between your views and experiences and theirs. This, you see, is one of the signs of advancing age. Yesterday you considered the thought that while you got older the students you encounter stay relatively the same. This both keeps you young and emphasizes your advancing age.

In terms of vigor and physical capacity you recognize that you . . .

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