Into Recovery

THURS., MAY 28, 1998, 12:25 AM

The major pains have gone, and you feel “almost in control” again, as this “illness” has made for a sudden break in your good health. You have experienced pain (though nothing really major) and the dysfunction of the waste-eliminating portions of the body. It has not been pleasant… except in being cared for by Lenore, by Debra, by son John Patrick, and remembered by several friends from the church. When the physical discomfort has passed, the memories of these positive expressions should persist. Particularly be thankful for Karen as she moves into this last month of her pastoring with you. She is a fine servant of Mine.

John Patrick mowed your main grass, a major need in this season of warmth and showers. As you begin to feel better you’d better decide some order for tasks that need doing. As usual, I’ll start with this study/room, with the persistent hope that one of these times you’ll truly clean and organize it, with major focus on My Teachings, now distributed through the piles to your left.

And then, as a balance, I’ll say… you have no real tasks ahead… the Newsletter is being written, the Forum will not meet… so let your self recover as a 72 year old should, slowly and surely. You still need certain accomplishments, but know that you are now in a mellow state of life. This will not be the last “breakdown” you’ll experience, so start seeing these, as positively as possible, as “just the way life is” now. It shall not be back to the fullness of functioning that you have enjoyed for most of your life. Consider, carefully, medical suggestions that could merely maintain you as you are or deter some other deterioration.

Rather, I suggest, you should have increased readiness to refuse the medical procedure and see how your body, mind, and spirit interact to retain health… or to give up this earth journey for return to the “longer one” you’re on. This is hard to explain, of course, to most in your culture, even your own family, but as the time is right it will be appropriate and necessary to state your view of the future and how it is now (or will be then) time to make that transition.

For you, death will come only to this body – once strong and useful, now deteriorating portion by portion. The mind, unassisted by but also unhindered by the loss of the brain, will function in concert with your spirit, and you can’t imagine the fullness of the experiences you will have in this situation. They can create a body that is not limited in time or space. It will be seen by others as they are able. Life for you will continue to be as active as We want it to be. Being outside of time you can’t spend it wisely, nor can you waste it. You can accomplish, but not in any “time” period.

All of this isn’t imminent, but I want you to be prepared for the time when the response “No more” may hasten the “ending”.

The title I offered you this morning, Into Recovery, obviously refers to recovery from this episode, an unusual one for your total life. It also can point to recovery from an earth life that has been wonderful and productive, but now is deteriorating. You hope your physical recovery will be almost back to normal (though this left hand makes this seem unlikely). Your spiritual “recovery” will be more complete than you can imagine. You haven’t had a hard life, so the contrast cannot be as great as for those who have suffered much during earth life.

Yet it will be an engaging time, learning more from these life experiences and seeing how these relate to some earlier ones. That can take as “long” as is necessary, and I shall be everready to help. Then eventually we come to – what’s next? You accept My Grace, and that would be sufficient if you wanted it to be. I’m predicting that you’ll want some more service, more opportunities to be the spiritual person you almost are now.

THURS., MAY 28, 1998, 12:25 AM

The major pains have gone, and you feel “almost in control” again, as this “illness” has made for a sudden break in your good health. You have experienced pain (though nothing really major) and the dysfunction of the waste-eliminating portions of the body. It has not been pleasant… except in being cared for by Lenore, by Debra, by son John Patrick, and remembered by several friends from the church. When the physical discomfort has passed, the memories of these positive expressions should persist. Particularly be thankful for Karen as she . . .

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