Investment Of Life

SAT., SEPT. 11, 1982, 5:50 AM

This is another of those mornings, o son, when your mind races wildly… does not wish to slow down and step aside for My Mind to take over and direct your pen. It was a bit overlong for the experience you have had with this meditation, but, still, you did not panic, and your thoughts about giving up were very minimal. You just waited for the flow to slow, and then patiently were open to My theme for today. This, in itself, is a small investment of your life, mind, and spirit… and that is what I’ll offer you this morning, as another late summer day dawns in all its potential.

Life is an asset. Somewhere in teenage or early adulthood most persons come to realize this, in one way or another. This may have been taught to them as children, but I am referring to the time when they realize this and value it independently of influences… when an individual has generated or has truly internalized the concept.

Life is an asset. Life has inherent value. Life has functional value. In your culture you at least give more lip service to the first value – the inherent. It is, of course, a spiritual concept. It affirms that an individual life has value even when it is young and can accomplish no tangible good, as well as when it is old and infirm or disabled in some way so that it seems to require more than it gives. The epitome of this is the current controversy over right to life… the assertion that the developing embryo or fetus has value equal to that of the woman carrying the child.

I like the spirit of this affirmation, and I do call upon some of My servants to hold this strongly and literally fight for it. However, it was a more beautiful concept when the population of the earth was less and use of resources was reasonable. There must be a reduction in the number of humans in the future. There just cannot be as many bodies in which souls can reside. (This is a digression, but an honest dilemma concerning the inherent value of each life).

Life has functional value. An individual can do… can accomplish… physically, mentally, socially. As I have told you, some humans are here in the earth for the first time (and perhaps the only time), so their development as functioning persons is just from their own present capacities and their cultural/social opportunities… guided by a spirit, in each, that has had growth opportunities in other realms. Other humans (and, yes, you are one) have had lives in the earth previously, sometimes many, that result in abilities developing more readily, from karmic progression. Hence, some have more functional value because of this previous experience.

An asset can be spent or it can be invested. When the referent is material assets, like money, there needs be a balance… some to spend for present needs and pleasures, and some to invest for future use. A good investment ultimately benefits the investor, but it also benefits others. The asset can be used by others, and then comes back enhanced.

SAT., SEPT. 11, 1982, 5:50 AM

This is another of those mornings, o son, when your mind races wildly… does not wish to slow down and step aside for My Mind to take over and direct your pen. It was a bit overlong for the experience you have had with this meditation, but, still, you did not panic, and your thoughts about giving up were very minimal. You just waited for the flow to slow, and then patiently were open to My theme for today. This, in itself, is a small investment of your life, mind, and . . .

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