Invisible People

THURS., OCT. 10, 1991, 7:05 AM

Again you watched the film story of the conflict between modern, technology-oriented humans and simple people who life in harmony with the forest land. Changing the land for the advantage of some means that others have their way of life disrupted. Are there spiritual aspects to that story of which I should remind you? You certainly must know that there are… you bet!

First, just know that I am fully aware of all that goes on in this earth. I am aware of how technological development has helped humans live longer, with more comfort and less danger. I also see how the advancements of some are at the expense of others. I am aware of the inconsistencies and ironies of life… like you sitting comfortably in a warm house watching a video of this clash between a simple tribe and the lifestyle you presently enjoy.

As I have told you many times I affect earth life in some ways, but I do not orchestrate the whole drama of over 5 billion humans competing and cooperating in a great variety of lifestyles. As Jesus, I fed the 5,000 in a miraculous way, but I did not set up a governmental system so that everyone would have needed food on each and every day. On occasion I healed miraculously, but I did not set up a spiritual/medical care system so that all those who were imperfect could be healed to perfect wellness. It was not my “style” to act “globally” then, and, as Holy Spirit, I also work essentially with individual lives.

I have prevented certain true catastrophes, but I have allowed other small ones and thus seem to have limited power. I have allowed your nation, and others that also are ostensibly Christian, to utilize science and technology to change life in the earth in sometimes awesome ways. You have returned from time in a towering hotel and driving in crowded, fast-moving freeway traffic. It was all pleasant for you, and it probably is the best way for that conglomerate of people to live. And yet you know there are many there who must live without the affluence of which you partook.

But what of smaller groups of simpler folk, like unto the Invisible People? They are diminishing, as modern “progress” changes their land and urges them to change their ways. The changes that come are often harmful, and their capacities to resist are usually simple… and feeble, compared to those of the invasion.

Some of these simple people have spiritual capacities, however, that are as powerful as those shown in the film. Spiritual power is simply a different form of energy than technological power. In the film the Daddee did not think that there was a connection between the desire of simple people to continue without modern technology, spiritual power, small frogs, and the power of water to destroy the great modern dam he had helped construct. Modern physicians would have scoffed at the methods used to bring Daddee through his infection and coma.

There is much spiritual power in the earth, but only a few Christians avail themselves of it, because other powers seem so obviously superior. I allow simple people to utilize these spiritual powers, often in non-Christian ways. I prefer the Christian way, but it often is allied too strongly with non-spiritual powers. I am delighted when simple people utilize spiritual powers in ways that are somewhat like Christian ways, for spiritual power is what carries over from earth life. At death the power of machines, electricity, and pharmaceuticals will be no more. Many modern persons, even Christians, are quite unprepared to move into spirit realms where spiritual power is THE power.

THURS., OCT. 10, 1991, 7:05 AM

Again you watched the film story of the conflict between modern, technology-oriented humans and simple people who life in harmony with the forest land. Changing the land for the advantage of some means that others have their way of life disrupted. Are there spiritual aspects to that story of which I should remind you? You certainly must know that there are… you bet!

First, just know that I am fully aware of all that goes on in this earth. I am aware of how technological development has helped humans live . . .

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