
WED., FEB. 3, 1988, 6:50 AM

The discussion yesterday about an opening and a closing prayer at commencement brought forth two different reactions from you, and I shall comment on both on this cold, foggy morning. It is a classic winter day, and prayer is one of My classic forms of communication.

Your first reaction was an honest one. You could not offer a prayer that was not directed to Me, as God Almighty, the Lord of life. Prayer is to be directed to Me, acknowledging My power and sovereignty, even over secular earth matters. It always shall include thanks for whatever part I have had in events and situations that please you, and it may then turn to supplications for My assistance. These can be vague and general, such as “Please watch over us and keep us from harm,” or they can refer specifically to a person, a happening, and a time. You can ask for the continuation of certain conditions, with thanks. You can make a supplication for a change that shall benefit you or others.

So… as you thought about a prayer that would have the inoffensive quality that this time and these circumstances seem to require you concluded that this would not be possible, and that certainly you could not do it. This was a confirmation of your continuing orthodoxy as a Christian, rather than one who dabbles in vague or unknown “spiritness.”

Bravo! That wraps up the issue, doesn’t it? Why did Jack’s unexpected affirmation keep nagging at you? This should have told you that I wanted you to consider another stance… another way.

You are to remain a Christian and be as orthodox as possible, but your professional charge is to help identify the spiritual dimension to health and the variety of ways that spirit in persons is manifested. I am always involved, but I allow many and diverse spiritual paths. As Jesus I called for and demonstrated a path that seemed different from what I, as Almighty Yahweh, had prescribed for the Jews. Those who were the most religious approved only one path, and therefore I, as Jesus, was not acceptable as a spiritual leader. Many Christians today accept only their interpretation of the Christian faith, playing the ancient Pharisee role quite fully.

As I have told you before, I love such folk and their convictions, just as a love the Pharisees… and as I love devout Muslims and devout Buddhists. There are spiritual paths that are clear, straight, and narrow, and I call some to these paths. This creates conflict, but it is one good way of helping spirit develop. Just trust that I can see a larger picture than you can.

So I also say that there can be an invocation that acknowledges the spirit in students, in teachers, in the teaching/learning process, and in the institution. The educative process, at its best, is a spiritual experience. Relationships with others, at their best, are spiritual. It should be a spiritual experience to complete the study for a degree and then commence the work that is now possible, particularly when this involves service to others. Serving others should always be a spirit-filled experience.

It is a different kind of invocation from a traditional prayer (some of which are more short lectures). It could be just an acknowledgement of spirit as part of this natural, secular enterprise. It is all right, sometimes, to talk about what I have done, in this earth, without giving Me direct credit. I am not offended in such situations. Remember always that I am not a fragile Spirit Who must be eternally protected. I survive much disdain, neglect, and being ignored… and I am as strong, loving, and helpful as ever.

WED., FEB. 3, 1988, 6:50 AM

The discussion yesterday about an opening and a closing prayer at commencement brought forth two different reactions from you, and I shall comment on both on this cold, foggy morning. It is a classic winter day, and prayer is one of My classic forms of communication.

Your first reaction was an honest one. You could not offer a prayer that was not directed to Me, as God Almighty, the Lord of life. Prayer is to be directed to Me, acknowledging My power and sovereignty, even over secular earth matters. It always . . .

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