“Invoking The Sacred”

MON., OCT. 9, 1995, 7:10 AM

Overall it was a good spiritual experience, this total trip to the north, including the conference with this title. It was good to be among folks who have “gifts” involving Me, in My many “ways”, and the presenters were dynamic, but it was a crowd, and that had a certain lonely quality to it. Then there was the worship service yesterday, with the opportunity for you to sing one of the great hymns of your and My tradition, as a solo. And, in addition, it was a weekend with Lenore, a sharing of life experiences.

There was a range of sacred experiences, from the two different acceptances of My body and blood in holy communion to the evidence that I and My angels watched over you as you traveled, with the cooling system mishap coming when you were almost home. You are coming to see that there is, in earth life, the potential for experiencing the sacred in every life experience. Until you have this Truth (for it is one that merits the capital T) completely accepted the idea seems quite pollyannish, very “unappreciative of reality”. Every culture here in this tangible earth encourages this interpretation, and yours certainly does. And yet I stand at the door and knock, and when you let Me in you see how foolish it is to limit the sacred to certain religious experiences and those of a “mountain-top” nature. This is one of My realms, and therefore it is sacred.

Oh, I do recognize that there are many experiences that seem quite secular or profane…certainly not sacred. And I still say this is a perception that need not be. Profane events point you to the sacred in a reverse, even a perverse way. The problem with your car brought you to continuing prayers of supplication, and I heard these, louder than some less sacred thoughts you had as you cruised along before this potential disaster.

In the conference you were in the midst of a crowd of humans, like and unlike you, responding in quite positive ways to these two unique servants of Mine. Ron was the more positive one, the one closer to your experiences with Me. He exuded positive spirit, even as he talked of times in his life that seems less than sacred. He has come to his mission in at least a semi-hard way. Though you haven’t had experiences just like his you see that you could dramatize your earlier life times in their preface to this second born-again experience/condition and your growth from the gift of the Teachings.

Carolyn has another kind of gift, and you should recognize My sense of fun in giving such a special, sacred gift to one as brash and comical as she. You related less and less well to her as the day progressed. You even questioned her gift, and this was an honest reaction. Yet this still can be perceived as a sacred time, with an example you will not want to emulate.

You were in a part of the state that could be called urban/suburban. And now you have returned to this sacred place of yours. You were in a home in which you would not want to live, but recall how it is similar, in many ways, to homes of your youth and your early married life… even to So. Oakland or Willow St. here in this area. And yet these were all enjoyable, basically. You are fortunate, now, to have a place that is more easily seen as sacred, so appreciate it mightily.

MON., OCT. 9, 1995, 7:10 AM

Overall it was a good spiritual experience, this total trip to the north, including the conference with this title. It was good to be among folks who have “gifts” involving Me, in My many “ways”, and the presenters were dynamic, but it was a crowd, and that had a certain lonely quality to it. Then there was the worship service yesterday, with the opportunity for you to sing one of the great hymns of your and My tradition, as a solo. And, in addition, it was a weekend with Lenore, a . . .

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