Is Chaos Coming?

FRI., SEPT. 11, 1998, 6:58 AM

The current news is full of specific problems in your country and in the “world around you”. The problems seem to be political, economic, and social, and these, of course, affect individuals, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I use the term “chaos” for times when the problems seem to be compounded, and solutions seem to be even greater problems.

At this time, for example, Russia does not have a functioning government and can’t seem to agree on a compromise. Too many young Russians have grown up without “exposure” to Me… without a sense that I exist… or that I am not important to them. Thus, in times of monetary and governmental turmoil there is less… or nothing… to turn to for strength to come through (7:18 / 7:20) and live with joy and thanksgiving. I have told you often that I see no ideal forms of government or economics (that have no problems), but I am concerned for the continuation of the web of life on this Earth, and the nuclear weapons, that Russian has, become “more dangerous” when chaos approaches. I am pleased with how well most of the people have managed, thus far.

In contrast, almost, your country, with a more “ideal” form of government and economic system seems to be trying to “self-destruct”, in the name of morality. You have a system for dealing with crisis such as this one, but it is cumbersome, slow, and, obviously, affected by the politics of your adversarial system. As a culture you have more faith and trust in Me, but this is now being tested. I am not against tests of faith… and suffering often does spur spiritual growth… but I am not a sadist who enjoys the suffering of My Creation.

Of course I still do see much love, cooperation, and appreciation of life in the people in this Earth scene. Even in difficult times I see adaptability and capacities to live, not just survive. Your culture is not as close to chaos as some others, at this time, but it will be interesting to see how those of you in this “more ideal” (though not truly ideal) way of life react to “hard times” and approaching chaos… that your system can’t “fix”.

You are not one who knows history well, but you are aware that recorded history is full of events that were disruptive and that “tried men’s souls”. The compounding factor now is the number of humans with aspirations for a more affluent life. The demands will soon reach beyond even what technology can provide, and the web of life will see its capacity to adapt diminish. There is starvation in some parts of the earth now. There are diseases and infections “brewing” that shall seem chaotic… but will be examples of a “problem is a way of diminishing something worse”. Yes, o son, it is difficult for Me to foresee the suffering of more of My human creation, but I have allowed the earth scene to develop in this way, with consequences that push toward chaos. Yet I, only I, see the complete “picture”, and the earth realm is only a portion of “the whole”.

( 8:09 / 12:25 )

Outside of time and space, which seem so real in this earth, there is no crowding, no great conflicts. Even though you are not spiritually mature enough to “remember” the nature of other realms, you did choose to return to a life here in the earth. You realize that you’ve had the joy of a life with few problems… nothing near to chaos. Yet you were aware that this last portion of this life could have more upset and be nearer to chaos than the early and middle years. I say “could” because all events are not predetermined, and where you are may be a factor in buffering the suffering! (How about them words!?)

FRI., SEPT. 11, 1998, 6:58 AM

The current news is full of specific problems in your country and in the “world around you”. The problems seem to be political, economic, and social, and these, of course, affect individuals, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I use the term “chaos” for times when the problems seem to be compounded, and solutions seem to be even greater problems.

At this time, for example, Russia does not have a functioning government and can’t seem to agree on a compromise. Too many young Russians have grown up without “exposure” to Me… without . . .

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