Is Health This Easy?

SUN., NOV. 12, 1989, 6:15 AM

On Friday last you and three of your “professional friends” entertained the women at Garden Club with a presentation you entitled “Is Healing this Easy?” This morning, as the sun shall soon appear in a cloudless sky, hear Me as I change the title to one more appropriate to your work. Can positive thoughts, positive emotions, and a developed spirit guarantee health?

I shall first say what you expect Me to say – spirit is of supreme importance for true health. Oh, yes, there are some people who were blessed with especially good genetic material, and thus their bodies last a long time, despite lack of spirit. Yet these often do not function in ways that help others nor do they satisfy themselves. Long life is not much of a blessing without the purpose and integration that spirit “is” and enhances.

And, yes, you discerned one of My overarching analogies, and I’ll offer it now as… health is about as easy as grace is easy. Health is the expected condition of human life, even if certain functions are limited. Health is only minimally related to physical exuberance or to any other specific function. Health is the quality of total functioning and is very much related to how one compensates for weaknesses and losses. An illness will make one person unhealthy, while another, with the same illness, will be much healthier.

Grace is also an expected condition of human life, even as some encounter and embrace it more easily and readily than others. Grace says that your sins are forgiven and that life is to be lived joyfully in My presence, despite other conditions of life. Grace doesn’t come to you because of good works. Grace is everpresent, empowering you to good works. In like fashion true health doesn’t come from some prescribed regimen of living. Rather health empowers and motivates you to live in ways that make full functioning easy.

There are some physical indicators that your body is not as healthy as it could or should be. You needn’t deny these. You should live each day as if every aspect of your self is working perfectly, compensating as you must. The old prayer applies: change and fix that which is possible, accepting, gently, what you cannot change. Health is the wisdom that tells you which is which.

Grace guarantees spiritual health. All you have to do is accept it. It is freely and continuously offered. It is not cheap. It just is readily available. The only “unfairness” is the dictum you expect: to those who have shall more be given… etc. Once you have accepted grace it is easier to continue to benefit from it. Grace is the Christian form of enlightenment and nirvana. In grace you realize you need to do nothing, but you have the means to accomplish much. You shall make mistakes and shall fail in certain ways, but grace is the means of overcoming these or of accepting them as if, finally, no consequence. Grace assuages guilt, for guilt is a hobbler.

In like fashion those who are healthy increase their healthy functioning more easily than those in ill-health. As you exhibit health it is easier to maintain and continue. For one in ill-health it is difficult to function fully. From him who has not…

Both grace and health are to be “invested.” Health “is” in order that you might serve others and Me. Grace “is” in order that you might serve Me and others. Yesterday your uncommitted time just had to be invested in worthwhile activity. Even as you rested you were appreciating the day and the place. Remember to enjoy all that you do, for enjoyment, too, enhances enjoyment… “feeds on itself.” There are innumerable ways to “invest” both health and grace. Small ways can “count” as well as more obvious actions.

Health is easy for the healthy person. Grace is easy for the one who accepts salvation. Do all you can to help others be healthy and to accept My grace. Human life is at its best when these are simultaneous. Reach for the best. Invest what you have that others might be receptive and aspire to functioning fully, each in her own way.

SUN., NOV. 12, 1989, 6:15 AM

On Friday last you and three of your “professional friends” entertained the women at Garden Club with a presentation you entitled “Is Healing this Easy?” This morning, as the sun shall soon appear in a cloudless sky, hear Me as I change the title to one more appropriate to your work. Can positive thoughts, positive emotions, and a developed spirit guarantee health?

I shall first say what you expect Me to say – spirit is of supreme importance for true health. Oh, yes, there are some people who were blessed with especially . . .

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