Is Independence Desirable?

SAT., JULY 4, 1998, 1:25 PM

Yes… and No. Should I elaborate?

This is the day your culture celebrates its independence from England, a country that had claimed sovereignty over this continent (what was known about it). Given the world situation today, politically and militarily, it does seem strange that there had to be a small war to achieve independence, from what now is not a strong, international power. Yes, it was desirable then, and the founders of this nation did have a sense that I was helping them… that I wanted this “change”.

Actually I was involved in some ways, but, as now, I cared little about political maneuverings and the economics of that era. I saw some value in the independence movement, but I also saw that the new nation would, rather soon, have its faults and would be behaving in ways not pleasing to Me. That’s why I don’t come down strongly for one form of government over another, here in the earth. Even dictatorships have some merits. In China today it may be more important to maintain social stability, even at the expense of some personal freedoms, for some dissidents.

Having said this, I’ll now counter, in a way, with the judgment that independence is to be valued more than coercive dependence and one culture dominating another. You humans have capacities to make independent judgments and decisions, but just because a judgment is independent doesn’t necessarily make it wise, and applicable to all. While it is a good to proclaim that everyone has freedom of opportunity, I know, and you know, that you are all not created equal, by any standards, and life experiences do increase the inequalities that come with conception and with birth.

The independence of one person may make it possible for him to be successful in life, by several criteria – social standing, financial, and fulfillment of personal ambitions. Independence for another individual may result in failure and unhappiness. Thus, whatever a culture “offers” its citizens it is likely to be desirable for some and undesirable (even disastrous) for others.

So what is the basis for My “No” answer to the question in the title? You know it already, but this gives Me another chance to repeat and reinforce one of My major premises. Life with which I am concerned is spiritual, some of which is experienced here in the earth, in physical, bodily form. The purpose of life is to grow and develop spiritually, until you see clearly this spiritual element as the only one that really matters. With this perception there is little motivation to remain as an “independent” soul. Rather it becomes more and more desirable to merge back into Me, becoming part of the Great, Holy Spirit, individuality and independence being given up for “something better”. As long as individuality and independence seem desirable and necessary you, as a soul, have more maturing to achieve.

And then I’ll say that all but this earth scene are outside of time so that “how long it takes” is of really no consequence. Some souls mature quickly, realize their goal, and “come back” without much regression. Others need diverse experiences. Some of you have several, even many, incarnated earth experiences; others have only a few, even just one. Some souls don’t need or don’t elect earth experiences. There is actually as much or more diversity in soul development as in the physical and mental “realms” … and in cultures. (2:10 / 2:28)

SAT., JULY 4, 1998, 1:25 PM

Yes… and No. Should I elaborate?

This is the day your culture celebrates its independence from England, a country that had claimed sovereignty over this continent (what was known about it). Given the world situation today, politically and militarily, it does seem strange that there had to be a small war to achieve independence, from what now is not a strong, international power. Yes, it was desirable then, and the founders of this nation did have a sense that I was helping them… that I wanted this “change”.

Actually I was . . .

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