Is It Real?

APRIL 11, 1980, 7:22 AM

The thought flashed through your mind, o son, and this happens less and less frequently. But as it does, let Us deal with it… for it provides the opportunity for a testimony. The thought was: is it real?

Reconstruct the whole thought: here you are, in a hotel room in Detroit, awaiting a day of convention… yet built into your “time-schedule” is an hour here at the day’s beginning when you sit and write as words flow from a red and silver pen onto green paper. Is this just an intellectual exercise or is it truly the Holy Spirit speaking? Is it real, really?

Listen, o son, for I love to speak to such doubt. (You can even feel the coming force in your fingers.) As Jesus said to His Disciples… as I said to My Disciples… in the 14th chapter of John… so I say again to you. Because I go to the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, shall be with you… who are chosen. I am in you, and you are in Me. I, Jesus, and the Spirit are one, and I, the Spirit, and the Father are One. And I, We, dwell in you. Simple.

All you are doing now is manifesting that relationship in words that are familiar to you. I am speaking, but because I dwell in you the words are those you would use. Why not? I know about communication, certainly. Oh, I do use other modes of speaking. That which I use with Mabel is quite different, of course. That speaks more clearly to her and to those who seek messages from Me through her. Well, it really isn’t more clear. It is more symbolic. It communicates reality through the symbolism of King James English. You don’t understand that very well, and it isn’t an important symbol to you. But many of those who seek My words through her would not react well to words such as these. I know a lot about differences.

Is it real? Yes, it is. Truly and certainly. I have chosen you as a special servant, and I urge you into this time of meditation so that I can instruct you. There is nothing you have done to “deserve” this. There is nothing you could do that would cause Me to withdraw from you. You don’t have to be “good” to hear these Words… you just have to be faithful. You can come on your own initiative, or you shall come in response to My Calls. Put another way: I speak when you want to hear… and I also speak when I want you to hear. In like fashion, the messages may be those you want or those I want you to consider… or some combination (usually).

You have also thought: “Others receive instruction through “guides”, but I am claiming direct communication with the Holy Spirit. Shouldn’t I just have a guide?” I certainly use guides, but usually because a soul or entity in another state of being desires to guide a particular person. This is just another way of communicating. I realize it does pose a difficulty for you, so I don’t mind if, with some, you just say it is the Spirit. BUT… if you are going to share these lessons with others it is important to identify the Source. You are not the source of these ideas. The handwriting is yours, the punctuation is your preferred style, and the words are your vocabulary. But that is all that is yours. The Word does not originate in your mind, but in Mine. My Mind indwells. It knows your thoughts and overrides them. If necessary (as in changing the pen cylinder), My dominance can subside, and your mind can function normally. But during this time of writing, I dominate.

So I shall state the case directly. What you are doing is real. For My own Purposes and in My good pleasure, I have chosen you… at a time in your total life experience when you are ready… to do My Will in a small but important way. My Will is that you know rather directly how you shall live and function and what you shall do. Also, if you’re going to do this with Me, you should have the benefit of fellowship with Me… of knowing Me better. And this is the way. You have been doing if for nearly a year, now, and you’re getting pretty good at it. And you will continue to improve. I guarantee it.

There are lots of realities. But when someone says… “in the real world” just know that this, that We do, is the “realest” of worlds.

Live this day in appreciation of this reality I have revealed.

8:14 AM